Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is your favorite color

What's your favorite color?

The question of the day. Everyone you talk to, you has to poll their answers... what is your favorite color....

and then you respond, "My favorite color is ALL OF THEM"

You have asked me what my favorite color is so many times now that NOW I have to SING my answer. Apparently, just answering the question in a regular voice isn't as exciting.... or something.

It all started around Thanksgiving someone asked you what your favorite color was. I'm not sure if anyone had ever taken the time to ask you that question. Your answer was "Brown" but since then you started asking EVERYONE what their favorite color was.

And then you asked Tayton. And her answer was "All of them, because they are all great colors."

What a great answer!!

So, from then on that has been your answer. You still enjoy finding out what everyone else's favorite color. I tried to get you to switch it up and ask what your favorite animal is....

but no. you are just fascinated with colors right now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today we watched "A Christmas Story" for the first time. This movie has been one of my all time favorites at Christmas time for several years now.

Oh man.

There were so many parts in that movie that I know you were just laughing because I was laughing histerically but you had no IDEA what was so funny.

I love to hear your laugh.

When the movie was over I asked you what your favorite part was. I was expecting you to say "when he got the bb gun for Christmas" or "when the boy got his tongue stuck to the pole" something really funny like that.

but no.

Your favorite part was "when the boy with the wolf hat got him and then he was crying in the cupboard."

seriously?!?!? I guess I will never understand since I'm a girl. Nomatter. I loved sitting on the couch with you and giggling with you.

ps. this might be the last Christmas we watch that movie until you are a little older. Censorship was a little more lax in the 80's.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A great day and a Doppelganger

Today was an awesome day with you. You were just so adorable and we had so much fun together!

We were in the kitchen and out of nowhere you gave me a huge hug and said "You are the BEST mom ever!!!"

I needed to hear that. As hard as I try, there are times that I feel like I'm just not cut out for this job. I'm glad to know that, to you, I'm the best mom....

Then, later today we were sitting on the floor playing a matching game where you match to letter to the picture. So, I picked up the picture of an umbrella and said "This one is tricky because you call this a brella but it is actually pronounced UMbrella. U U what letter makes that sound?" and with that sweet little smile you say "The Letter U like in U love me!" *melt*

I got a letter from a women whose 8 year old son decided to google his name and found Javan's blog. Believe it or not, there is another Javan Conder out there. He lives in KY and check out this photo of him... you kind of look alike (it might just be the spikey hair)!!! Bizarre!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


You looked in my eyes and said "Mommy, its me in there!"

You could see your reflection in my pupils.

You are so insightful and observant sometimes it catches me off-guard.

The truth is, Javan, I often see myself in your eyes and its not just my reflection in your pupils...

A collection of facebook posts.

I figured the best way to get all caught up on the happenings of "Javan" is to have a post of collections of facebook posts about you.

So here you are....

Javan just told me "I'm not a baby because I'm a STRONG MAN!" hahaha forget the toddler years... he's onto manhood.
September 30 at 9:05am

is shocked at how much spanish Javan understands now that Maria and Andrea live here!! Now, I guess that means I need to learn it too......
September 18 at 11:34am

From the other room I hear Javan yell... "Mommy, I gave the dog a mohawk so he look GOOOOOD." HAHA. I told him that only boys have mohawks and Lexi is a girl so lets not give her a mohawk anymore. He looks at our dog with gel all over her fur and says "Is she frustrated with me? Nah!" LOL
September 1 at 11:16am

loves that my son is just like me!!! He was getting bored sitting at the dinner table so he asked "Mommy, can I dance in my seat?"

was just told by my son to "chill"!!!
August 6 at 10:20pm

my child, freshly bathed, and sound asleep... or so I thought! I went in to check on him and he is sitting on the bed, with a pen, COVERED FROM HEAD TO TOE IN INK!!
July 23 at 10:23pm

playing hide and seek with a 3 year old is HILARIOUS.
July 14 at 1:15pm

was just told by my 3 year old "..and you will put soap in Matthew's (our neighbor) mouth for saying innappropriate things"
July 7 at 1:09pm

is listening to the pitter patter of little feet running around upstairs..... he should be in bed...dreading what kind of trouble he is getting into....
July 2 at 10:02pm

is spoiling Javan today for his THIRD birthday! He told Brock yesterday "you can't spank me, its my birthday" ... yup, he knows how to milk it :-D
June 28 at 8:18am

desperately wants to hunt down and kill that mean old wasp that stung my baby!!!
June 24

just signed Javan up for swim lessons and got our pool membership... this 100 degree weather was very motivating!
June 23 at 1:02am

Is listening to Javan play by himself in the back yard-what a wonderful sound! I am willing to put money on the fact that he is completely naked and filthy from head to toe.. since that is how my boy rolls....(btw he started out the day bathed and dresse
May 29 at 12:27pm

is listening to Javan singing his rendition of 'Are you sleeping Brother John' It goes "Are you kidding, Are you kidding, Brother John..."
May 25 at 10:15pm

just found my phone in a toy pot in the microwave. Thankfully, Javan didn't think to turn ON the microwave... SHEW!
May 19 at 10:16am

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of preschool

Today was the first day of preschool for you.

I know I've missed a lot of blogging over the summer. I have so many cute little phrases and things you have done that I promise I will blog soon so that those memories are not forgotten...

But right now, I just want to blog about this day and how much I love you.

Running a few minutes late, driving like a madwomen to get you there on time.. the thought crossed my mind its slightly scary the sacrifices a mother might make to get thier child to his first day of school on time.... regardless, we got there 5 min late, but we got there.

You were standing next to me while I registered you, your cute little baseball shirt that you picked out to wear that day, excited, fidgeting, adorable.

I had to give the director a family picture for your file. Our picture... just me and you at the park. YOU are my family. Many of the other kids there have big families with lots of children and a mom and dad that are still married but our family is different. Just the two of us.

And for a minute I thought about how important you are to me. Its not just that I love you... every mother loves their child... but that you are everything to me.. you are my world.. my little family.

I'm sure in the future I will remarry and maybe you will have other brothers and sisters (or maybe not) and chances are you might be tempted to be jealous but I want you to know that there is NO ONE that can be what you are to me.

YOU are too special, Javan. Even though you were just little and didn't understand what was going on when your daddy and I were divorcing... you stood by me and loved me through the tears. You knew when to give me a hug. You knew when to make me laugh when I needed a smile. You were my strength and defended me. You kept me busy so I could forget about all that was going on.

Somehow, in that little tiny mind of yours you knew... you knew just what I needed. You carried me through more than any adult friend could have.

And that, my little love, has created a special bond between you and me that could never be replicated.

I am so thankful for YOU... my little family.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peanut Butter

Oh how you love peanut butter.  As soon as I pull out the jar you come running "Can I have a lick, mommy... puleese can I???"  

This morning, I was running late and I was making pb&j for you, talking on the phone with Allison and making a cappacinno all in a rushed sort of way and a little flustered when suddenly, I notice that the peanut butter is missing.  I look all over the kitchen for the peanut butter because I know I had it out... Well, I go into the living room and there you are sitting on the couch with the jar of peanut butter and a spoon eating scoopfuls right out of the jar.  You are a clever little thing... took the peanut butter right off the counter and knew to go somewhere that I wouldn't see you right away.  And there you sat happy as could be eating scoops of peanut butter while I search the kitchen for the missing jar.  

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing too fast

Why do you have to grow SO FAST!?!?  Lately, you have been saying things that just make me nervous for pre-teen years... OH boy.  I think it is that you often hang out with kids that are older than you but one thing I know for sure, I had better get serious about praying over you now in preparation for the future.

Now, whenever you do something you say "look at this, mom, ok mom, look" and if i don't acknowledge you right away you say "ok mom?  Ok mom? Look, ok mom" over and over again.  You always sound so old when you say that. Also, recently, you tried to kiss me on the lips with my hand between our lips.. you told me your friend Avery taught you that... OH BOY! KISSING GIRLS, ALREADY, YOU'RE NOT EVEN THREE!!!!!

We are dog sitting our friends German Shephard and a couple of times Lexi and Koda would get into a quick little barking/nipping match and I would yell at them and tell them that if they are going to fight then I will separate them.  (i realize dogs don't speak English and reasoning with them is ridiculous but it made me feel better).  So, the next morning when you woke up (you must have been thinking about Koda and Lexi fighting) you said to me... "Koda and Lexi fight like me and Olivia fight" hahaha I was laughing SO HARD!  That's right, Javan, you and Olivia have a relationship JUST LIKE Koda and Lexi.  You love playing with each other SOME OF THE TIME but you two can fight like dogs!!!  

The other day we were in the car and you yelled "OH NO!!"  Slightly concerned, I asked what is wrong and you yelled "MY FRECKLES FELL OFF!!!"  HAHAHA !!!!  It was a piece of cookie.  But, it is adorable how much you love your freckles. Everyday you look at them and remind me that God gave you those "sparkles" and they make you special.  Special, you are!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

You were on a roll....

Man, the past few days you have had me cracking up with your little comments.  

Today you were playing with my shoes and then you hand these pretty little heels and say "Mommy, put these pretty shoes on and come with me out back to see Jesus." As we go out back.... and I'm morbidly wondering what to expect "There's Jesus, in the tree... talk to him, mommy" "Okay, Jesus, Thank you for this wonderful day and everything you've given us" "Talk to him more mommy.." and that went on for quite some time.... Pretty cute.

Last night, In an attempt to stall your bedtime,  you ran to the potty (for the third time in 20 min). I came up the stairs with that stern "mommy" look and knowing you were in trouble so you better say something darn cute you say "I had to go potty and when I have to go potty I need lots of hugs." DANG your good!

Earlier that day....Thinking out loud I said "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?" you answer, with a sly little grin "Just candy.

I think I'm going to be in trouble with you....

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I was upstairs getting ready for church.  Looking for you, I yell "Javan, what are you doing??" as I walked down the stairs.  I hear your little voice yell back "I'm talking to Julie on the ojo, hold on." Laughing, I come downstairs to find out that you called Aunt Julie on the Ojo to ask her if you could watch a movie.  Then, you proceeded to ask her if she could help you find the dvd you wanted to watch.  Apparently, were talked to her for 10 min about your toys and your cool new shoes.  You are TOO funny!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You can pedal!!!

We were playing outside, I turn around and you are pedaling your bike down the road.  I am still baffled... WHEN did you learn that?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mr. Independant

I told you to get a towel off the counter and turned around to find this!!  I had to get a picture.  You climbed up to get a papertowel down.  You are too funny.  Such a big boy.  Being little doesn't stop you from doing whatever you want!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A yellow tail

Last night you were so tired that you were just unreasonable.. and I was pretty tired too so I just went to bed WITH  you... So, we are laying there and I'm almost asleep and you are desperately trying to stay awake and then I hear you say to yourself ...

"I don't have a tail.  Skyylar has a tail.  Lexi has a tail.  I don't have a tail.  I don't have one. I need to go to the store and buy one.  I need to buy a tail.  I will buy a yellow tail. I like yellow.  yellow is my favorite color.  I will buy a yellow tail at the store..." and so on until I finally in between tears of laughter I say to you "Javan, you can't buy a tail at the store.  People don't HAVE tails" I think you were surprised to hear me because I think you thought I was asleep and now hearing the laughter in my voice you just BUST OUT laughing... and you put your forhead to mine and we just laughed and laughed together.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


There are times when you make me laugh out loud and it is usually when you use phrases that are just too "adult" for you.  It is truly adorable!  Just this week you were playing in the car going "oh, and by the way..." 

You asked me for a snack and I offered you something else and you said "oh nevermind, i'm going downstairs..."

or the little comments "You crack me up, mommy" or "You are driving me bonkers mommy"

You like to take random toys and put them in a bag or basket and give them to me and you say "Here's your present, mommy" sometimes you will pretend to wrap them for me.  I wish you were so generous with your friends!!!!  

I get a kick out of your imagination.  Its just amazing how you soak everything in.  You now stand on your slide and pretend to sell candy.  You will yell "who wants to buy candy" and then you will run around and pretend to be chased by the "mumble monster" 


Friday, February 27, 2009

paranoid mom

Its great that when we are in the car you think of the most interesting ways to entertain yourself.  Once the random toys you bring , um like a dinosaur you named dak and a baby hairbrush, have gotten old and you have successfully pulled off your socks and shoes and pull the piece of elastic that holds the fabric of the carseat back up around your arm and pretend its a watch "Its twenty four o clock in here, momma" you say.  Once all of those entertaining techniques have been exhausted THAT's when you decide to start getting creative with things you can do with your face.... That is when I on numerous occassions I have nearly pulled over because I thought you were having a seizure.  Now, in my defense your cousin, Ryan, suffered from mini seizures (and miraculously healed!)  for a few years in his life so I am a little sensitive to that.  

So, we will be driving down the road and you will hold your breath and then pretend to take big swallows and then roll your eyes or try to wink which looks more like you are losing control of your eyes or make a glug glug sound and try to push your chin as far down as possible. 

COME ON CHILD!!! You freak me out every time when you do that!  

So, right when I am about to pull over with fear in my eyes you give me this sly grin.  Like, "what mom can't I entertain myself" 

Maybe I need to think of new ways to entertain you ....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Okay... really...

Really,  now, too much fun stuff happens with you and I'm going to forget if i don't start getting better about blogging.  Seriously, between work and facebok, I'm on the computer all day I don't know why it takes so much energy to opena new tab and write something on your blog. So, here I come ... new leaf... turning... over... NOW..


I guess I can't ignore the fact that your daddy has now moved out.  I would love to just protect you and not talk about it but I think as you look back you would want to know what it was like for you through all this.  The good news is... YOUR AWESOME... and it hasn't really been as traumatic for you as it could be.  You did go through a  spell where you were afraid at night and started sleeping in my bed (but that could also have something to do with that creepy Sesame Street clip with the robot that comes to life in the little boys bedroom while he was sleeping...REALLY SESAME STREET PEOPLE...What were you thinking when you decided to create that clip???) I can't remember who it was but someone told me that at this age you start to become more aware of "reality"and have more fears so this could all have just come into play at the same time.  

Anyway, your daddy and I love you very much (and believe it or not we love each other) and in case it is ever a question... it has nothing to do with you.  The truth is... it probably should have happened long before you were born. YOU were just the reward that we got for sticking it out as long as we did.  Your daddy has a tough job and works a lot of hours.  He does his best to see you once a week but sometimes that's not even possible for him.  He misses you lots and lots and loves to hear your little voice on the phone.

During this same time, i got really busy with my job (which never happens) and so you've had to get creative with ways to keep you busy while I work.  Let's see.... Shaving cream, bubbles in the sink (which on two separate occasions you overfload all over the floor)...paint, lots of baths (like twice a day if necessary), on the deck in the freezing cold, in the garage with your outside toys... in the mud when its sunny outside, Lexi... oh poor lexi... she gets chased, ridden on, covered with blankets, toys on her head... she is so very patient!!! Oh and the cat... i'm not as sympathetic towards her mostly because I'm bitter cause I have to change her litter (I realize its not her fault but I still hate it - there was a time where I tried to teach her to go on the potty..i still believe I could have done it if I had stuck with it).  But, that cat sure does endure a lot as well.... she gets pushed down the stairs, thrown into boxed, her tail gets pulled, she gets layed on.... And, unfortunatley, I've had to resort to the tv babysitter :-(  wish i didn't but its all about survival and you have enjoyed your blues clues, wiggles, sesame street, barney, baby einstein marathons

So, when daddy moved out you started sleeping in my bed.  Not all the time, but about 1/2 of the time.  I don't want it to be a habit but I will admit there is something wonderful about snuggling up next to you while we sleep.  You love it when I tickle different part of your face and say "i love your nose, I love your eyes, i love your cheecks" and so on... it relaxes you and it makes you giggle. 

We haven't been able to go on our walks as often as we used to because I've been busy with work but I forgot to blog last time that you are starting to PEDAL YOUR BIKE all by yourself.  You still need some help here and there but your getting there.. aw...

You have become good friends with Avery and Olivia.  Well, you have a love hate relationship with Olivia.  She's a tough girl and doesn't let anyone push her around so, ya know, a few teeth marks and scratches later you guys are pretty good buds.  Avery is awesome because she is older and she teaches you fun ways to use your imagination.  You tend to prefer to hang out with the older kids.

I'm a little sad AND mad at myself for not writing down all of your awesomely adorable things that you say but here are a few that I remember:

1. You were watching Blues Clues and they talk to you like they can actually hear you.  And they asked "what is your favorite fairy tale" and you answer "Um.. Jesus"  I melted of course.

2.  You were playing with your 2 headed dragon and sat on it and said "I'm flying up in the sky, up in the clouds, up up to Austin's house" 

3. You had a scratch on your knee and I said "what happened to your knee?" and you were trying to get your thoughts out and you said "my pocket" thinking that was kind of wierd I thought I'd make a joke and said "was it the wocket in your pocket that hurt your knee" and your reply "YES, the wocket in my pocket BIT me and i have to go to the doctor to feel better" you talked about that wocket the rest of the day and even shared it with your Aunt Shana and the boys. 

4. The dog started sleeping in your bed. At first I didn't believe you because she jumped out before I  got in the room but it was the screams "She's taking my blankey momma!!" that made me run up and catch her in your bed with you.  You sleep with your door closed now.. lol

5. You are always putting your toys in the strangest places.  You like to collect all your toys in a bucket and then stick them places... like in the refridgerator for instance... Oh the things I have found in the lettuce drawer. 

6. You love to be naked.. I know I've written that before but it just blows my mind the fight you put up just to have no clothes on.  AND UNDERWEAR forget it!!! I tell you your undies are very important because they protect your penis... this was followed by the time you put on footie jammies without undies and got your penis stuck in the zipper... OH YOU CRIED AND CRIED... BUT still you fight me about the undies.  What am i going to do with you!!?!?  Hopefully, you grow out of it!

Okay, I think i'm all updated now.  No more long gaps between blogging... I promise!!!!