Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peanut Butter

Oh how you love peanut butter.  As soon as I pull out the jar you come running "Can I have a lick, mommy... puleese can I???"  

This morning, I was running late and I was making pb&j for you, talking on the phone with Allison and making a cappacinno all in a rushed sort of way and a little flustered when suddenly, I notice that the peanut butter is missing.  I look all over the kitchen for the peanut butter because I know I had it out... Well, I go into the living room and there you are sitting on the couch with the jar of peanut butter and a spoon eating scoopfuls right out of the jar.  You are a clever little thing... took the peanut butter right off the counter and knew to go somewhere that I wouldn't see you right away.  And there you sat happy as could be eating scoops of peanut butter while I search the kitchen for the missing jar.  

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