Sunday, June 5, 2011

a little update

Previously, I have not really been able to eat any carbs (besides beans, oats or an occassional apple) without my numbers going crazy.

But, things are a changin'

Today I had my usual salad for breakfast with some eggs. Usually, I have a small bowl of oatmeal but Lance made some pancakes and I REALLY wanted one. Despite the fact that I knew eating one would make my numbers do loopdy loops I decided to give it a try.

One hour later... i tested my blood sugar... 113!!!!   Did I read that right?!!?!?!!?!??! THAT'S AMAZINGLY GREAT (anything below 145 is good) whoa!

So, that lead to some more experimenting.  For dinner I made chicken and some rice, corn and beans.  Normally, I would just eat the corn and beans with the chicken (plus my salad)...Corn and Beans are both carb-a-licious.  Today, I chose to have some rice as well.  A week ago, a dinner like that would have put me close to 200.  Today... 150 (I hour after). Like I said earlier anything below 145 is good so that 150 was a little high which tells me next time, maybe a little less rice...but STILL this is AMAZING! If i still continue to see this kind of improvement, next week i'll be able to eat the diabetic diet that the dietitian recommended without any issue.

This is day 3 of no insulin and no numbers above 150.

Also, it is interesting to point out that previously, if my number was high after the 1 hour test... the 2 hour test would not show much improvement and I would have to take insulin or drink apple cider vinegar to bring it down.. but NOW... the numbers are going down on their own.

Last night I set an alarm for every 2 hours to be sure that my numbers aren't going crazy while I am sleeping. Each time I tested my sugars the number was in 80-90 range.  Excellent!  AND ... no ketones.

I truly believe that God is in the process of healing my body. I have been getting prayer at church each Sunday and I know there are several others who are praying for me as well.  I believe our God is a God of miracles and I believe He will continue to heal my body!  I also heard today that in Javan's sunday school class they asked for any prayer requests and he asked that they pray for the baby in my tummy.  Its makes me so happy to know that he sees and hears us praying for for the baby's health and he believes in His healing ability.

And now.. i am going to attempt to make the insulin generator juice.  I know, I know...I said I was going to make it awhile ago. I'll be honest with ya... im not looking forward to it. But, here goes nothin!  It God's medicine, right... so I better take it ;-)

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