Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Javan Scott Conder - world traveler

So, Chad's parents called me the other day and asked if they could take Javan to Hawaii for 2 weeks!!!

HAWAII!?!?!? He's FIVE!  FOR 2 WEEKS!! Yikes.

I had to put a lot of thought in it. On one hand.. its a long time for him to be away and he actually returns while we are in Alaska... which makes it even longer. It will be EXTREMELY hard for me and of course there is the safety factor. I mean its a long flight...what if something happened..I shudder to think.

On the other hand, both of his cousins are going as well. And it is a great opportunity and I know he would have a wonderful time. I trust Chad's parents with him and IF I said no..i think Javan would feel bad at what he missed out on. So, i said YES. He will be gone July 22 through Aug10th.

Now, just yesterday, Lance's boss asked him if he would do a job in Puerto Rico for about 4 weeks. I was soooo upset. I'm not sure what I was more upset about. That he was going to be gone for a month or that he was going to be somewhere cool for a month without me! haha.

So, Lance's "solution"...

He decided to fly me and Javan out there and spend 2 weeks with him!! Javan and I will be flying to Puerto Rico July 5th and returning on the 17th. :-) and then on the 22nd he will be traveling to Hawaii. I think Javan is seeing more of the world at age 5 than most adults!! haha.

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