Sunday, November 7, 2010

Javan has really been full of questions about God and heaven and how He hears us, etc. Its so exciting to see him begin to grow such a strong relationship with God.

Tonight on the car ride from AWANA he said "Did you know God even knows how many people live in town?When i get to heaven, I'm going to ask him how many people live in town... maybe he'll say 100"  Its so beautifully innocent and free from the doubt that we are so often corrupted with as adults.

Before bed tonight, Javan was doing "work" with Lance while Lance was studying for his placement tests for college.  Javan goes,"Mom, God is calling me to go to bed." (of course, he didn't want to listen to God's calling, which was a life lesson all on its own.)

Kim's cousin was recently in a terrible car accident and it is amazing to me how much interest Javan has had in praying for Peyton.  I am so happy to know that Javan has already developed such trust in the Lord....
Javan's prayer last night "Please may you not take Peyton to heaven yet, and make his brain not sick anymore. AMEN!"

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