Monday, November 29, 2010

All I want for Christmas....

I forgot to mention what Javan asked for from Santa....

Well, first of all, I must mention that he told me that day in the morning that he didn't need Santa to get him anything for Christmas. What a humble little boy.

So, what did he ask for when Santa inquired about his Christmas wishlist....

A new timer.

Yes, you read right.  A timer...a $2 wind up timer....

sigh... And to think Lance and I spent several hundred dollars on the boy for Christmas but did not get a new timer.

We do use our timer for all sorts of things...

1 hour of TV per day-set the timer...

Everyone is finished eating and you have been sitting there playing at the table. You have 10 min to finish eating and then we are clearing your plate - set the timer

We are leaving in 15 min, you are still in pajamas and your teeth aren't brushed - set the timer.

When the timer broke last week, I didn't realize how much the boy missed the silly thing!!

Guess I'll be making a trip to target to get that his week, maybe I'll splurge and get a digital timer - might as well go wild and crazy ...after all, it IS Christmas! haha

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