Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A new domain

This morning I was working hard filling out envelopes for our baby announcement and decided its about time to change the domain to our blog. 

I've had this blog since Javan was a baby and originally it was just for updating on his little life... BUT... we now have THREE children so I thought it was only fair to change the domain from 

javanscott.blogspot.com to kcferrisfamily.blogspot.com

now if we ever move out of KC I'll have to think of another one - haha. 

I don't see that happening anytime soon (crossing fingers)

For those who subscribe to the blog (via email) this shouldn't affect you at all. 

Shoot me a message if it does so I can **attempt** to fix it. 

If you haven't already subscribed to the blog you can do so by adding your email on the right -->
that says "follow by email"

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