Monday, May 16, 2011

God is testing my patience

Apparently, I needed a lesson on patience. We went to the midwife today and STILL no heartbeat. technically, I should be about 10-12 weeks.

We toyed around with the idea of going back for another ultrasound on Wednesday but decided against yet. Yes, if I got a heartbeat on the ultrasound, it would ease my peace of mind but if I didn't I think it would just make things worse.... She did hear the pulse of my placenta, so that is good.

The options are:

1. The baby is developing behind the placenta and we just can't see or hear it
2. I actually had a miscarriage and got pregnant again right away meaning that I'm not as far along as we thought. This sounds ridiculous because I didn't experience any bleeding but the midwife says it CAN happen and the body could have absorbed the bleeding...or something like that.
3. I have a blighted ovum - which basically gives you the signs of pregnancy (including increased hcg levels) but no baby. if this were the case, I should have already miscarried by now... but its a possibility.

The thing is...even if there is a complication with the baby, we wouldn't do a D&C anyway. So, we'd have to wait for my body to naturally miscarry. So, what's the point of going for another ultrasound. The next appointment is on June 13th. We can only pray that by then we will hear a heartbeat.

Oh and my blood sugar levels were pretty good. They were a tiny bit high but not alarming. :-)


felderfam said...

Waiting for news..any terrible and long. But a growing process. We'll keep praying!

Anonymous said...

I had a blythed ovum. It wasn't fun. I'll keep praying hard! Lots of love and prayers coming your way!

Unknown said...

thanks for the prayers!!! I appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Merrie, this SUCKS. I hate waiting for news, I just want to know the OUTCOME. I know we don't talk any more but I've been thinking alot about you. I was wondering if they said anything about an ectopic pregnancy? I lost a tube to it and just wanted to make sure they were checking you for that. I am praying this is resolved quickly.

Sounds like you guys are holding onto each other and have a great attitude about it.

Unknown said...

we talked a little about the idea of an ectopic pregnancy but she kind of ruled it out because I have no pain or bleeding at all. Plus, my HCG levels are at a fairly normal level and are increasing. Maybe we are wrong to not consider it further. **sigh** its the most frustrating thing EVER!

Unknown said...

Well, I was just thinking, and it would be unusual to see a placenta with an ectopic. It really could just be that the baby is hiding. No bleeding is also a good sign. I had brown blood - looked like old blood...may be TMI. I am praying for you!!!!!!! I know how this feels! URGH! It does sound like you are being well-taken care of.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the prayers, Rachel, and it is helpful for you to mention the ectopic just to compare to what I am experiencing.

Yes, I think if it wasn't for Lance's trust in God and lack of WORRY... I would be losing my mind. I'm thankful.