Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A much needed update

Man, I hate it when I get so behind with updates.  Hopefully, I can remember everything :-D

1.  When you sing the "abc's" you always end it with "Now, my know my abc's text my won't you sing with me" That's a child of this generation...texting your abc's

2. You were dancing for Shane and Shana and you quietly went into the side room and just stood there.  Shana asked "Javan, what are you doing in there?" and  you answered "I had to toot" 

3. Your first joke.   Your daddy was laying on the floor and you were sitting on his stomach and you said "Daddy, what does a hippopotomas say?"  and your dad really didn't know what a hippo said so he said "I don't know, what does a hipppo say" while jumping up and down on his stomach you yell "STOMP, STOMP, STOMP"

4. I put plastic on the windows to "keep the draft out" and you anounce to daddy "Dad, that's to keep the giraffe's out"

5. You are suddenly afraid of EVERYTHING.... in particular bug and snakes and an imaginary rooster in your closet (which your daddy asked you what his name was and you said "cow" which dad said "then, does he say "cockadoodle moo?" ... "Yeah" you answer with a chuckle"

6. I was pushing you in a cart and you sit on the edge and say "I'm a bird in a nest mommy"

7.  I bought you a electric toothbrush and you were playing with it and it sprayed a little on your arm and you go "oh no, mommy, oh NO .. my ARM" I said "what's wrong with your arm?" and you answer "an octopus swam on it!"

8. We were talking about how mom mom and pop pop are going to fly in an airplane and visit us all the way from Pennsylvania.  I had forgotten about that conversation when you look out the window and point at the blank sky and say "Look mommy, see the airplane"....playing along I answered "yes, Javan, I see it" and you respond "mom-mom is on the airplane.  See her?  Hi mom mom" as you wave :-)

9. Your new favorite song to sing "Oh baby baby, baby baby"  Thanks to your 9 year old cousin, Luke.  At first i told you not to sing that song because it wasn't age appropriate.  But, I would find you humming it.. and I would ask you "what are you humming" and you answer "I can't say those words."  So, cute.  Since then I talked to your daddy about it and we decided it was okay for you to sing those lyrics.  You were very delighted.

10.  You are constantly singing.  Usually when you are trying to go to sleep you just lay in bed and sing all of the different songs that you know.  Its so adorable to listen to :-)
Oh, if only I can remember each and every adorable little quote you have.  You are so full of imagination it just makes me smile all day long (well, maybe not all day... in between the normal 2 year old tantrums and other forms of rebellion)!!  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

funny things

Just a couple of funny things that you said this week...

** I was wrestling and tickling both you and Seth on the floor and you were getting SO jealous!!  You kept on pushing Seth away saying "MY MOMMY" or "MY TURN" then finally you yelled "SETH, GO TO SCHOOL!!" lol  You crack me up!

**Sometimes, you sound like such a teenager!!  Its so funny.  You will say things like "Whatcha doin, mommy" and nothing is ever "I want" Its "I HAVE to play with that" or "I NEED a cup of milk"

**You wanted me to carry you upstairs begging "Mommy, up please" and I happen to have a pair of disguise glasses with a nose and a mustache in my hand so I put them on and said "I'm not mommy and I can't carry you upstairs...you will have to walk" and you said "Mr. Potato head, carry me please"  you just crack me up everyday!! haha

**The dog, Mackenzie was trying to get some crumbs that you dropped during dinner and in the process was moving your chair.  You HATE it when she does that and yell at her every time.  This time you yelled "Mackenzie Scott!!"  Apparently I say that to you when you get in trouble .. haha

**I said to you "what do you say when someone asks how old are you?" you said "Javan Scott Conder" and I said "no, you say I'm 2 years old" So, then I asked again "what do you say when someone asks how old are you?" and you said "I'm 2 old" and continued to walk around the house saying "I'm 2 old, I'm 2 old" I guess someday you will get it.

**Today you were singing "I like to move it, move it" Luke said it was on a commercial on tv.  You are constantly singing.  Shana says your life is a musical!!  haha

Saturday, November 1, 2008

burp... excuse me

If only I had the time to write every adorable and hilarious thing you do!  Today was so funny, though... you were playing with your toy dinsaurs and animals.  You'd pull one out, pretend it says "Burp, excuse me" and line it up.... on to the next one "burp, excuse me" and then lined it up... you didn't know we were watching you even though we were laughing SO HARD!!  It must be a boy thing... at such a young age you find delight in bodily functions!  haha.  

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween fun

Today for halloween we had a busy day.  You were the cutest little Yoda around :-) First we went to our church for their fall fest and you played and played and we had pizza.  There was a guy in a robot costume that you were just obsessed with.. not sure why, but....whatever.  Then, we went to Shane and Shana's church for their fall fest and you got to ride on a train and go through a maize (they had those blow up moon walk things but I didn't show you because I knew I would never get you out of there... sorry, babe, next year!).  We were in a hurry because we had to go up to daddy's work so he could show you off.  On the way to daddy's work you told me "I went potty in my pants".  I couldn't believe it !!  You haven't had an accident in so long!!!!  Fast forward to when we picked up Aunt Shana, Seth, and Luke.  Remembering the earlier incident you said to Luke "I went potty in my pants.  That's bad, luke, that's bad.  Sorry mommy" so i leaned back and said "that's ok, Javan, where should we go potty" Javan's response: "on the road"  I couldn't stop laughing!!!  YES,  I pulled over and let you go potty on the side of the road.   You ratted me out for the first time.  Now, that you talk so well I have to be careful what I do with you... haha!!  

Pictures to come.... PROMISE!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall fun

This fall we have had a lot of fun.  Most of our fall has been spent picking up walnuts from our walnut tree and walking around the block with our doggy.  

We went to Deanna Rose (a farmstead where the kids can pet most of the animals) with daddy and you had so much fun!!  We hoped to get a pumpkin that day but it had rained earlier and they had to close the pumkin patch because of all the mud.  You were so disappointed that you didn't get pumkin that day we ended up stopping at the grocery store to buy you one :-)  We're suckers, I know.

Lately you have really been learning how to talk in sentences with all of your pronouns.  Its pretty amazing how much you sound like a little boy now and that baby talk is slowly going away.  

We have been spending a lot of time with your cousins and I think that is where you are learning to be such a big boy.  We have also recently made some new friends for you to play with and you think that is so cool (since, ya know, mommy isn't nearly as much fun!!) .  

I can finally check potty training off my list of stressers.  I can't remember your last accident (well, that is, if you don't count the NUMEROUS times that you don't make it in the potty even when you are SITTING ON IT!!! - ah, boys!)  

As usual, self esteem is not an issue either.  You often will say "I am so cool"  or "I am VERY handsome" and other little comments like that.  I hope your self confidence will stay that way! :-).

I will be posting more soon since there is a lot of catching up to do!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The little things you do

Time blew by and there has been so many adorable things that you have done.  You are at the age where everyday you say something absolutely adorable. 

1. You sang "Happy Birthday" to Aislinn's "hedgy" (her favorite stuffed toy)
2.  I put on a lighting Mcqueen shirt on you that lights up and you said "I cool!"
3. While putting on the jelly jar top you said "I tricky"
4. You love to pretend to be leaving so you'll go into the closet or out the door of the room and say "bye!  See you later"
5. You'll pick up a random item and go "Where'd that come from?"
6. Instead of saying that's mine you say "That's mined" which i just think it so adorable!
7.  Yesterday you were misbehaving and i said "Javan Scott Conder!!" then a little while later you were playing by yourself looking at books and I heard you saying "Javan Scott Conder, Javan Scott Conder" over and over again.  I think this was the first time you realized what your full name is.
8.  When I ask you a question you take started going "um,um" while you are thinking about the answer.  It cracks me up the things that you pick up from me that i don't even realize I do!!
9.  You now can recognize the letter "J" except you don't call it a "J" you call it a "Javan" (since i always tell you "J for Javan" or you will see a J and say "J for Jaguar" 

I'm sure I will think of more things to add but I'll just do another post when that happens. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I so smart, Mommy

I was doing odd and ends around the house and you were sitting on the couch playing by yourself.  I walked into the living room and you looked up at me and said "I so smart, Mommy".  I chuckled to myself and said "yes, honey, you are a very smart boy".  Apparently, I do a good job of affirming you :-) 

Every time I remember  your sweet little face looking at me and saying "I so smart, mommy" i can't help but smile!  I love you, my very smart little boy!

Monday, September 22, 2008

"K", "W", "E" and well "I"

You recently started to recognize your letters, okay, three letters. You know "K" , "W", and "E". Not sure why you know those letters but whenever you see those letters you are sure to let me know!! You are trying to learn the others and I'm sure it will be soon that you will figure them out... next step... writing them!!

Oh and "I" ... that's another thing. Up until now it was "Javan hungry" or Javan go potty" but that is slowly changing to "I hungry" and "I go potty". Your sentences are getting better and better...

I'm such a proud mommy!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blossoming Imagination

Your imagination is just starting to blossom and it is fun and sometimes surprising the things you think of.

This picture of you pretending to be a turtle by putting a baby bumbo chair on your bottom and crawling around.

The other day you were playing with two apple wedges, one in each hand patting them together saying "clapping" and then you look at the apples, look at me (you could totally see a lightbulb light up in your head) took one of the apples and put it up to your ear and said "hello?"

Its amazing how a child's imagination comes naturally!


Its so funny the strange places that you try to squeeze yourself into!! You crack me up! I just never know what I am going to find when I leave the room!!

Not related, but just cute...Today you had fun watching "football show" with daddy and then proceeded to sing happy birthday to the football.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I always know to expect you to come home with a new phrase when you spend time with Missi and Aislinn. This last time it was... "Why?".... I was sort of dreading the "why stage" but knew it was inevitable. So, now anytime I ask you to do something it is "why?" or well, pretty much any time we do, see, or talk about anything.. .its "why?" Its cute, though, you are extremely curious right now. At times it can get a little exhausting, but I just have to remind myself that it is just you growing and learning :-)

Other fun things you have done recently:

1. You started making the "mwa" noise when you give us kisses.
2. You put Lexi (our dog) in time out yesterday, apparently she hit the kitty.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


We went to Portrait Innovations today to get pictures taken. You, of course, didn't get a good nights sleep last night so you were tired and crabby. BUT... we did get two good ones :-)

"Javan Do!"

If I had a quarter for every time I heard you say "Javan do!" I would be rich. You are at this independent stage that is fun yet a little frustrating at the same time. Frustrating when you want to pour your own milk, but instead just make a big mess or you want to put on your own shoes, but you can't quite figure out how to do that yet. It is definitely a test of my patience. :-)

The other day was a first, though. We were about to read your bedtime story and you grabbed the book out of my hand and said "JAVAN DO!!" It was so funny... you wanted to read the book to me. The funny thing is that we have read this particular book so many times you have it memorized so you really did read it to me (with a little help, of course!)


You love to be all wrapped up in your blankets like you are in a cocoon. You especially like to have your face covered. Its quite the site when we sneak in your room and can barely find you because you so wrapped up in your covers with your little bunny blanket over your face.

But, the one thing that I will always remember about your bedtime routine is that every time you start to snuggle up when you are time you yell "TOESIES!!!" because you HAVE to have your feet covered. I can't tell you how many times I have put you to bed and then hear you yelling "TOESIES MOMMY, TOESIES!!!" and I have to run upstairs and wrap your toes up like a mummy. I don't know where you get it from because Chad and I are both like our feet uncovered when we sleep.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another "heart stopping" moment

Apparently I shouldn't tell you to "try to push a poo poo out" every time you go potty. I had the scare of my life tonight. Its called Rectal Prolapse and hopefully it never happens again!!!


Time out!!

Your such a little character. Several times now you will be playing and then randomly run to the corner and say "time out" I say to you, "Javan, why are you in time out? What did you do?" and you will make up a far fetched story like "hit daddy" even though daddy isn't even home. You will put your toys in time out too...

Your imagination is really starting to develop now and its so cute to see you pretend to eat a make believe sandwich made out of bottle caps.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Notice how dirty your little legs are... this is at 9:00am and I also must note that you had a bath before bed last night! BOYS!!!

Hospital Bills

What am I going to do with you!!!??!? You were playing quietly by yourself and I come out and THIS IS WHAT I SEE!! I have a funny feeling that there will be many emergency room visits with you as you get older. I hope not. Although, I will say... you have awesome balance. I'm often surprised to see you doing some kind of trick that makes my heart stop for a quick second. BUT rarely do you fall and RARELY do you cry or get hurt. I see a future in extreme sports for you!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I did it!! I finally let you paint. I purchased paint for you months ago but finally had the guts to let you get all paint covered. You know what?!?!? You didn't even make a very big mess! My little budding artist, your first paintings are hanging on our fridge for all to see :-) Notice the tongue sticking out... you always do that when you are really concentrating.

Trip to PA

We just returned from visiting family in PA. It was a blast!! You loved playing with your cousins Jeremiah, Ryan, and Nathan!! We were busy, though... Sesame Place, the zoo and the jersey shore!!

When we got to the shore, your first reaction was BIG POOL!! BIG SANDBOX!! MY SANDBOX!! It was absolutely adorable! You had so much fun playing in the waves and digging in the sand. I thought you might be a little fearful of the big crashing waves.. but not our little Javan.. Nope, you had no fear as usual!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Potty news!

Since your visit with Aunt Missi and Grandma you didn't go on the potty at all for me :-( I was getting very frustrated. I tried everything I could think of. Yesterday, I said to you.... "javan, where do we go pee pee?" and you said "floor" I couldn't believe it, I said "WHAT?!?!?!?!? No, we don't go on the floor, Javan, we go on the potty! Now, where do we go pee pee?" You answered "floor" Is that really what you thought??? So, we practiced several times and i finally got you to say "Pee Pee in the Potty" Then, that evening i said "let's try to go potty again" and you said "Potty like daddy" so I immediately assumed it was because you wanted to stand so I tried to get you to stand, but you clearly didn't want to stand and said again, frustrated "Potty like daddy!!!!" Then it occurred to me.... on the SEAT instead of on a potty seat that goes on top of the toilet. So, I sat your tiny little behind on the toilet and you looked at me and said "fall in?" I assured you that you would not fall in (and I held on tight to you) and you went PEE!!! This morning you had two accidents right away and since then... NO ACCIDENTS....

I am such a proud mommy!!! You love money, so I gave you a penny for every time you went in the potty!!! A success!!!

Another trip to Branson

We went to Branson the last weekend in July... but this time it was just mommy and daddy. YOU had your own little vacation. On Thursday you stayed with Aunt Shana and Luke and Seth and played with them until Aunt Missi and Aislinn picked you up at 4:30. You spent Thursday night with Aunt Missi and Friday night with Grandma. While you were with Aunt Missi and Aislinn you started going poo poo on the potty!!!! I was so excited and proud when I heard the news!! Aunt Missi and Grandma took you and Aislinn and Austin to the petting zoo and it sounded like you had a really good time!!!

I missed you so much, though, and was glad to see your smiling little face on Saturday when we picked you up. :-)

This picture is of your very first time making a poopy in the potty!!!

Aunt Julies visit

July has been a busy month!!! Aunt Julie came to visit us which was so much fun...!! You weren't sure what to think of her at first. You kept on calling her mom-m0m. But, by the end of her trip you were sad to see her go.

While Aunt Julie was here you had a seizure because your fever was too high. It scared us all so much! I called 911, first the fire trucks came, then the ambulance. If only you were awake to see it all! Your fever was 105.5 when they took your temp in the ambulance. Aunt Julie stayed with you in the ambulance and I followed in the car. You were such a good boy at the hospital. The doctor said you were perfectly healthy and the seizure was from your fever that spiked too quickly for your little body. From this, we learned your daddy had a history of seizures when he was a baby too.... something for you to remember when you have a baby.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Today we were VERY BUSY!!! First we got up and went to the Prairie Village "Village Fest". We stayed for about 2 hours and you got to see (and sometimes even pet) some animals. You got to see a little monkey swing around, a kangaroo jump, a few goats, a Camel (which was very fuzzy), a Turtle (your personal favourite), and a Makaw. We met up with Aunt Missi and Aislinn and we listened to some fun music too. Then you got to meet the Lion maskot for the Royals and he picked you up and hugged you and you just really really loved him!!! You also got to sit in a fire truck and even pretend to DRIVE the fire truck!!!

As if that wasn't enough.. we went to Legends with daddy and you got to sit on a BIG HUGE turtle and play with the lego's at the Carter's outlet. (where I bought you the most adorable fireman jacket and rain boots).

Then..... after your nap, you had even more excitement!!! I took you to Leawood park with Aunt Missi and Aislinn where they had your favorite blowup jumping rides and you and Aislinn jumped and jumped until you were all jumped out! You got to go to the playground and slide on the slide and other fun stuff. Mommy shared her funnel cake with you AND bought you an ice-cream cone.

After ALL THIS FUN... we sat in a field just outside the park and watched beautiful fireworks. They gave us 3-d glasses to watch them with too which you thought was so cool! The pic is of Aunt Missi, Aislinn, and Javan watching the fireworks


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trip to Branson

We just got back from the family reunion in Branson. It started with you, your daddy, Grandma, Austin, and Aislinn driving on Thursday. You all went to the Springfield zoo ... you just love animals just like Austin. You were so funny... the entire trip you did everything that Austin did. You wanted to be just like him!!

I arrived Thursday night but you were already fast asleep in the little sleepingbag with a blow up mattress underneath that you slept on (and did very well, I might add).

While we were there we went to Silver Dollar City and minature golfing and swimming at Anne and Michael's timeshare condo. This is where you decided to throw mommy's phone in the pool... YES.. another phone ALMOST ruined from water. But, thankfully, it dried out and it works fine.. shew! I would also like to add, my little dear, that you did not drop it into the pool. You THREW it. You are such a stinker!!

On Saturday morning we had the family brunch and everyone sang happy birthday to you and opened some presents. It was so fun because you understand now what presents are and had a blast opening them!!

You love to sing now, and it is so adorable. I love singing your abc's with you. You are obsessed with your abcd's (as you call them). You startled me the other day when I was singing the bedtime song that I always sing to you and you started singing along!! But, today was the BEST. I was singing "if you are happy and you know it" and the hoorray part you just screamed it and we both were laughing so hard. I love laughing with you, you are becoming a little person that I can make jokes with and I love it!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can't stop learning!`

You are almost 2 and I just can't believe how much you are learning every day. Just before Mom mom came to visit you starting counting to 10 (except you always needed a little help with 4 and 7) and your abc's (really its... abcde hijk lalalala p) but still pretty good. I attribute it to sesame street. Recently you just blurted out 1 to 10 without help and sometimes 11, 12, tirteen!!

You are also recently putting little sentences together like "get it' "find it" "eat it" or "Elmo is?" "Mommy goes?" Things like that.

Every night your daddy and I tiptoe into your room and stand at your crib in awe... (yes, your crib... the big boy bed was not quite working out... you just didn't ever want to sleep in it! Instead you would just play on the floor in your room)... you are so big... not my little baby anymore :-(

As i have said before.. you are my little daredevil. you rarely cry when you fall and when you do all you need is a quick hug and you are back to your crazy tricks. Last week you decided to do a summersault which was funny to watch. I tell everyone, "this child has no fear" but I don't understand the extent of that statement. What i am really saying is... "Oh boy, am i in trouble when he gets older!!!!"

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Intro to the blog

I have a journal for you that I started writing in when you were 6 months old. I wrote in it all of your milestones to this point. Starting today I am going to transfer my journal writing to this blog. Since we can all agree that digital copies are SO much better than paper copies ;-) That and your friends and family can check the blog to keep up to date on what is new in your little world.