Friday, August 1, 2008

Potty news!

Since your visit with Aunt Missi and Grandma you didn't go on the potty at all for me :-( I was getting very frustrated. I tried everything I could think of. Yesterday, I said to you.... "javan, where do we go pee pee?" and you said "floor" I couldn't believe it, I said "WHAT?!?!?!?!? No, we don't go on the floor, Javan, we go on the potty! Now, where do we go pee pee?" You answered "floor" Is that really what you thought??? So, we practiced several times and i finally got you to say "Pee Pee in the Potty" Then, that evening i said "let's try to go potty again" and you said "Potty like daddy" so I immediately assumed it was because you wanted to stand so I tried to get you to stand, but you clearly didn't want to stand and said again, frustrated "Potty like daddy!!!!" Then it occurred to me.... on the SEAT instead of on a potty seat that goes on top of the toilet. So, I sat your tiny little behind on the toilet and you looked at me and said "fall in?" I assured you that you would not fall in (and I held on tight to you) and you went PEE!!! This morning you had two accidents right away and since then... NO ACCIDENTS....

I am such a proud mommy!!! You love money, so I gave you a penny for every time you went in the potty!!! A success!!!

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