1. When you sing the "abc's" you always end it with "Now, my know my abc's text my won't you sing with me" That's a child of this generation...texting your abc's
2. You were dancing for Shane and Shana and you quietly went into the side room and just stood there. Shana asked "Javan, what are you doing in there?" and you answered "I had to toot"
3. Your first joke. Your daddy was laying on the floor and you were sitting on his stomach and you said "Daddy, what does a hippopotomas say?" and your dad really didn't know what a hippo said so he said "I don't know, what does a hipppo say" while jumping up and down on his stomach you yell "STOMP, STOMP, STOMP"
4. I put plastic on the windows to "keep the draft out" and you anounce to daddy "Dad, that's to keep the giraffe's out"
5. You are suddenly afraid of EVERYTHING.... in particular bug and snakes and an imaginary rooster in your closet (which your daddy asked you what his name was and you said "cow" which dad said "then, does he say "cockadoodle moo?" ... "Yeah" you answer with a chuckle"
6. I was pushing you in a cart and you sit on the edge and say "I'm a bird in a nest mommy"
7. I bought you a electric toothbrush and you were playing with it and it sprayed a little on your arm and you go "oh no, mommy, oh NO .. my ARM" I said "what's wrong with your arm?" and you answer "an octopus swam on it!"
8. We were talking about how mom mom and pop pop are going to fly in an airplane and visit us all the way from Pennsylvania. I had forgotten about that conversation when you look out the window and point at the blank sky and say "Look mommy, see the airplane"....playing along I answered "yes, Javan, I see it" and you respond "mom-mom is on the airplane. See her? Hi mom mom" as you wave :-)
9. Your new favorite song to sing "Oh baby baby, baby baby" Thanks to your 9 year old cousin, Luke. At first i told you not to sing that song because it wasn't age appropriate. But, I would find you humming it.. and I would ask you "what are you humming" and you answer "I can't say those words." So, cute. Since then I talked to your daddy about it and we decided it was okay for you to sing those lyrics. You were very delighted.
10. You are constantly singing. Usually when you are trying to go to sleep you just lay in bed and sing all of the different songs that you know. Its so adorable to listen to :-)
Oh, if only I can remember each and every adorable little quote you have. You are so full of imagination it just makes me smile all day long (well, maybe not all day... in between the normal 2 year old tantrums and other forms of rebellion)!!
1 comment:
I love this Merrie! So cute!
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