Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Javan's 7th birthday

Friday Javan turned seven. 

I'm starting to feel old. 7? Really? 

I'm probably going to write that every year now  haha

He had swim lessons in the morning and then he wanted to stay at the pool for a few hours.

Cosette is starting to warm up to the idea of the fountains at the pool

I would post a picture of him at the pool but he moves too fast
(plus my hands were a little full with a couple of babies.)

Then I told him I would take him out to lunch. 

I was thinking like a restaurant but the littles were getting tired and Javan had Burger King in mind.

Okay, its his birthday and drive through did sound nice so I agreed.

It has been about 2 years since I have been to a Burger King drive through (or any drive through for that matter). I really felt like I was a bit "special".

I drove by the window that you pay at. 

Then I ordered a large soda for myself. (Hey I deserve a little treat too, right)

Um, when did a large soda turn into a GIGANTIC soda? 

What's up with that? 

I actually think it was this way before but I just forgot.

I'm still baffled why people eat at these places, besides that it is fast.

The food is crappy and I ended up spending almost $9 on a kids meal and a soda.

I could think of several nicer places I could have eaten with better food for the same price.


At 6 his friends started arriving. Lance made an awesome fire pit in the back yard. We had chips and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.

Then we opened presents. 


Then we told some campfire stories and gave them glowsticks.

Campfire. glowsticks. That's all boys need for a good time. haha

And the crowd dwindled. 

Only 2 ended up spending the night. 

They "slept" under the stars on our deck (for about 20 min and then they decided the ground was too hard and they wanted to come in). 

Then one got homesick.. and only one friend actually made it all night. 

It was a great time, though. He had a great birthday.

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