Monday, April 1, 2013

For my birthday I would like to sleep all day and eat Reese's peanut butter cups and snicker bars (with perfect blood glucose readings) and have a house that cleans itself... is that too much to ask??

Instead I got woken up to 3 snuggle monkey's in my bed.

So far I have had a day full of baby tears, banana smooshed into my jeans, baby smiles and big girl giggles, time spent brushing out Violet's cradle cap while the other one eats the coconut oil that I was using, coconut oil all over the couch, kisses all day long, a little boy showing off his "stunts" (imagine what can be done with a skateboard and a couch), the contents of my wallet dumped all over the floor, a "love" letter saying "your the best even though you can be mean sometimes" (I'll take that as a compliment), read the same board book 736538293756 times, 2 poopy diapers, a couple of kicks in the chest while trying to put coconut oil on Cosette's bottom, a sunny day even though it was supposed to snow, no more plastic over the windows, a rearranged living room, diapers hanging out in the sun, way too many pieces of sugar free cheesecake, a messy kitchen, homemade tomato soup, ready whip on my finger... and a little girl upstairs playing in her crib while I type this.

.... and as crazy as it is... it is such a beautiful blessing....

So I won't be getting a nap today or Reese's peanut butter cups for my birthday but I have a whole lot to be thankful for. I know someday I will look back and miss these days...

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