She has really started learning a lot lately. She has started waving goodbye, clapping her hands and saying a few words:
Mama (this one she limits how often she says it ... sigh)
dada (which she Loves to say)
"dog" which really sounds like "da"
"nigh nigh" which she usually says when she is crying and tired. I interpret it as "night night" but I'm not really sure that is what he is trying to say
and she likes to play peekaboo too (which baby doesn't! haha).
And everyone's favorite... Cosette's famous growl. I don't know why she does it or where she got it from but its darn cute.
We tried to get her to do some of her "tricks" on camera but, as usual, she wouldn't do them until after we turned the camera off but at least you can see her silly personality a bit.
Here's another one. She was waving bye bye but, of course, wouldn't do it while the camera was on...
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