Monday, October 29, 2012

Hot hot

Every morning i make Cosette eggs and blow on them and say hot hot.

And she always copies me and says "hot hot" too

Its so cute. I love it.

Tonight i made her a portabella mushroom and blew on it and said hot hot.

So she started blowing on her food too!  Ack all that cuteness i can't stand it.

Of course, normal Coco style once i bring the camera out she stopped doing it. But at least i recorded her blowing.

Pumpkin patch field day

Friday we went on a field day to a pumpkin patch with our homeschool group.

It was nice to have Lance with us...he doesn't get to go on all of our field trips very often. 

but it was cccccold!!!

We still had a good time with all the activities and Javan got to choose a pumpkin and we did the corn maze.

Once we thawed out .... It was full of good memories.

What a nut that little one is

Bobbing for apples

Today Javan asked what bobing for apples was

So i thought I'd let him give it a try. Haha!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I had a dream

Well, I'm 24 weeks prego now and what a long journey this has been. 

Man, I thought my pregnancy with Cosette was hard but this one took the cake.... Oh why did I mention CAKE!

Last week I had a dream that I was at a party and it was all different kinds of yummy cakes and desserts. And I walked around looking at them. Just looking because that's what I do at parties. I just look at the cakes and pretend I can taste them. Then there was one that I could eat. it had no carbs. It looked sweet and delicious and ... and ... and ... I dropped it on the floor. I cried. CRIED. bawled.

I woke up crying. Not like a couple of tears but weeping on my pillow. My pillow was soaked.

I cried all morning. Its not about the cake. Its about finally finding a way to live with diabetes and then completely losing it. 

And that just about sums up the past 6 weeks.

Its. been. awful.

I have been eating the same things I did with Cosette and my numbers still seemed to want to go up over the range I know they should be. When I was pregnant with Cosette, they would go down about 20 points every hour after I ate. But, with this pregnancy they stayed there. Right there - same number hour after hour (unless I exercised to get them down).

So, regardless of eating and doing all of the same things that I ate when prego with Cosette - plus I completely cut out diary and meat (which did help a bit)... MY NUMBERS WOULD STILL GO HIGHER than I wanted them to.

grr... so, in order to get them down I needed to exercise. 

Which works, my friends. Its the one thing that ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS works 

So, every day after breakfast - I would run up and down the stairs until my numbers would go to where I wanted them...

Then after lunch - I would run up and down the stairs until my numbers would be where I wanted them...

and then I would eat an early dinner, cook something else for my family (because I can't eat what they eat) and while they ate dinner I would walk around our little block until the numbers would be where I wanted them to be. When it was warmer we would all go for walks as a family but now that it is cooler, I've been going on my own.

Night time has been the hardest to get them down. Not sure what the deal is but if I wait until after 8:00 (when the kids are in bed) then my window of opportunity to get them down is lost... and whatever is it is what it will be in the morning. (which is the most important time for me because your body has 8 hours of staying at that number. Which if its good and low it brings the entire average down). 

Usually by the evening walk - I'm walking in tears.

Lance and Javan have been so supportive. Lance never really knows what to say when he sees me walk in the door from a long walk, tears streaming down my face - so he usually says something like  "Hey Baby your lookin GOOOOOD - Have you been working out? Dang." or something ridiculous like that that makes me want to laugh and punch him all at the same time. 

No, really, that made him sound totally insensitive but he has been really really supportive and does his best to give hugs and make me laugh when I need it. He's been a huge help with the kids - with all this exercising it has left him to take care of the kids. 

Javan my little sweetheart has prayed over me so many times. He is always very curious about my "numbers" and tries to encourage me with cute things like "Its ok, mommy, your numbers will be better tomorrow"

I have been so very tired. So, so, so tired.

Not really physically. Honestly, I have had more energy physically since all of this exercise than ever before... but emotionally, i just am toast. 

Every day, at least once a day I have been in tears over this. I honestly wasn't sure I could make it through this pregnancy without an emotional breakdown. 

I prayed and prayed and prayed that He would heal me. I now know for sure it was God's healing powers that were at work through my pregnancy with Cosette.

(Which, by the way, if you don't know that story you can read it here or copy/paste this link

The ONE THING I didn't do with this pregnancy was get prayer during service at church.

Why? I don't have a reason. Maybe I felt slightly embarrassed.. it WAS just last year that I was pregnant and getting prayer for THE SAME EXACT THING.I don't know why that would matter but Satan likes to twist thing up in our minds.

 Maybe it was that I felt like my prayers should be just as powerful as those at church. And I don't believe it has to do with WHO prayed for me or WHERE I got prayed for... 

I actually think it has most to do with me taking credit for beating diabetes with my very thought out meal plan and exercise regimen. I think God wanted me to try EVERYTHING I could think of with very little success before turning to Him JUST to drive the point home that this can't be done without Him.

So, I went up for prayer.

In all the years I've been attending this church, this was the first time that the pastor was the one who prayed for me.  As I said earlier, I really don't think it has to do with the PERSON that is praying for you BUT it was pretty sweet that our pastor happens to be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that he gets prophetic pictures from Him. 

So our pastor, Mark, prayed for me and this is what he said "I keep getting a picture of you standing there and Jesus is on your right side and he keeps putting his fingers over your lips. In the most comforting, loving way...." He prayed some things about joy and some other stuff but he kept going back to that picture. He said "Its strange because usually when I have a picture like that I get something else to follow up with but He keeps showing me that same picture like I'm not 'getting' it.  He keeps covering your lips like to say "don't worry" or something" 

That's it. It was probably 5 min of prayer. That's the way our pastor rolls. He's truly a "no fluff" kind of dude.

I went back to my seat and knew exactly what The Lord was saying. He was saying "Don't worry". 

I wasn't sure at the time if he was saying "don't worry, I'm going to heal you." or if he was saying "don't worry - keep doing what you are doing this baby is going to be fine" but I was REALLY hoping that it was the first one.

...and it was... yes, my friends. I went to bed with a too high number and said "forget it.. tonight I'm waaaaayyyy too emotionally exhausted to do anything about it" and the next morning my numbers where.... where... where... a teensy bit high but MANAGEABLE! NEVER in the past 6 weeks has my morning number been lower than the before bed number.

And this week my numbers have been awesome. Still have to work out a few kinks but I am at least able to manage them. 


And so the lesson I have learned is that I am NO expert on diabetes and this diabetes (or the diabetes with my pregnancy with Cosette) would never have been managed this way without the power of prayer. 

Homeschool Hookup Fall festival

Today was the Homeschool Hookup fall festival. The kids had a lot of fun playing games and making crafts.

Javan with his buddy Storey - a hotdog pirate and a buzz lightyear

Doing some crafts

This girl cracks me up. I pull out the camera and this is what she does

Apparently this is her smile now

pretty little ballerina :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Farming fun

There is this small Homeschool group that I recently joined. Its just about 30 people but one is a farmer. This is where we have been getting our eggs and recently raw milk.

If you don't know the benefit of getting your eggs from a reliable source and buying your milk raw... look it up... Really, really, really its worth the money. I mean, what is the reason you are buying milk and eggs for your family. If it is for some health benefit then you are just wasting your money if you aren't buying free range, hormone free eggs that come from chickens that are fed non-gmo and organic corn.

Speaking of non-gmo...I will admit I have not watched this since we were busy getting muddy at a farm but Lance did and it was a life changer for him. Its a full-length movie so pop some non-gmo popcorn, curl up on the couch and watch this movie. Its important for you to know...

Anyway, The farmer decided to have a little party at his farm. The kids had so much fun. They got to see cows and chickens and feed some rotten apples to the pigs. But the highlight was the walk we took down to the lake

Yes, that's my son knee deep in mud...

Oh, here he is waist deep in mud...
and I asked him if he thought about how he was planning on getting home with those muddy clothes

He said "Yup, i'm going to wash off in this lake"

So, that's what he did... look how "clean" he is here. 
This is on the walk back.

At least he had loads of fun AND had to ride home in his underwear. 

All in a day's fun :-)

Cosette, on the other hand did NOT get muddy but did enjoy playing in the leaves 
(and maybe eating a few)

I had to change her the grass..She was not particularly happy with me.

At least she had those 2 sticks with her... her favorite toy of the day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fwd: IMG-20121017-00396.jpg

The other day I was holding Cosette and she was grinding her teeth... don't do that. Its such an awful sound. 

Then it occurred to me.... in order to grind your teeth you have to have top teeth too!!

Sure enough. Two top teeth, just one on the bottom from what I can tell (not like she lets me stick my finger in her mouth or look in there for that matter. haha)

I guess those teeth decided to come in all at once!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I had some technical difficulties with the last couple of posts. Still trying to figure out this new phone. Haha.

Anyway i mean Aunt Shana babysat Cosette while we went out to dinner.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Months old!!

Well, Sunday Cosette turned 10 months old!!

She has really started learning a lot lately. She has started waving goodbye, clapping her hands and saying a few words:

Mama (this one she limits how often she says it ... sigh)
dada (which she Loves to say)
"dog" which really sounds like "da"
"nigh nigh" which she usually says when she is crying and tired. I interpret it as "night night" but I'm not really sure that is what he is trying to say

and she likes to play peekaboo too (which baby doesn't! haha).

And everyone's favorite... Cosette's famous growl. I don't know why she does it or where she got it from but its darn cute.

We tried to get her to do some of her "tricks" on camera but, as usual, she wouldn't do them until after we turned the camera off but at least you can see her silly personality a bit.

Here's another one. She was waving bye bye but, of course, wouldn't do it while the camera was on...

More September pics

We went to Lance's parents house in mid-september. Lance got a new gun he wanted to play with.

Lance's dad recruited him to help cut down a dead tree in his yard. What a big project!


Burning the wood

Lucas and Cosette playing together

My little princess

I think she looks like a little porcelain doll here
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Pictures from September

I haven't uploaded pictures from our camera this entire month! yikes.

So, I'm just putting them all in one post.

We went on a field trip to a nature park. They had a little class about turtles and they sang some songs and had loads of fun :-)

Hanging out in the front yard

Javan's buddies

Great pic of all four of them.

Javan insisted that he put Cosette on the basketball for a pic.

She is a little over 9 months in this pics and just learning how to be mobile.

hmmm.. what's over there...

OOh grass.. that looks like fun to crawl on.. is that a walnut. Looks yummy

You can pull on this grass stuff and it rips right out. Pretty cool!

Ripping more grass ... the little things in life

I had to run to the store and Lance was babysitting. This is what I came back to. How daddy babysits... put her in the walker and mow the lawn. He didn't know what was so funny about this picture.
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