Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday!

We sent this card to her
(and actually sent the same one to Lance's dad whose birthday was on Sunday)

The front of the card was this picture.

Then inside it had this picture 

inside it read:
Ready or not...

A new grandbaby will be coming soon!

Happy Birthday!

Love Lance, Merrie, Javan, Cosette, and baby


At my postnatal exam the doctor told me that my uterus was tilted back so I would have a problem ever getting pregnant again.  He was soooo wrong. (Not that I'm surprised...he had a tendency to over react).

Also, I was exclusively breastfeeding. I know that breastfeeding is not a form of birth control and I know a lot of people (including Lance's parents) who got pregnant early on while breastfeeding.

But, in those cases the mom always supplemented with formula or was weening.

Cosette NEVER had anything but breastmilk for the first 6 months of her life and i definitely wasn't weening at all.

Anyway, Lance and I had wanted our kids close together. I have this rule that I didn't want to get pregnant after 35. With the diabetes, I'm already high risk and adding the high risk factor that goes along with age in the mix didn't sound like a good idea.

Plus, I am looking forward to enjoying my husband when our kids are grown...

We just decided to let God handle it

and as I told Lance when I told him that I was pregnant
"God must have thought you were such a great dad he wanted to give you another one right away!"

We have no idea when our due date is. We will have to have an ultrasound to figure that out, but my educated guess is mid February.

My blood sugars are back to wacky and I am working hard to control them. At least I know what to do!!

oh and, ironically, about a month or two before I found out I was pregnant I had a dream that I was pregnant with a boy. :-) I guess I need to pay closer attention to my dreams. haha.

My dream with Cosette came true so its definitely a possibility - i know Javan would be happy to have a little brother.

Speaking of Javan. He is thrilled. And woke up this morning wanting to kiss the baby. love him!
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somechic22 said...
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somechic22 said...

Love ya, Merrie; congratulations again, and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

somechic22 said...

I don't know why it posted a million times. I guess I really meant it. LOL

Unknown said...

definitely feeling the love :-) Thanks Becky!