Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mahaffie Farm and stagecoach top

Thurday night was Family Night at Mahaffie Farm and stagecoach stop.
We had never been there so we didn't know what to expect.
We were so happy we went!

Javan got to try roping a "bull"


The Mahaffies were a rich farming family.
They also made some of their income as a stop for the stagecoach.
Passengers would stop, have a meal, stretch and then continue on their trip

Javan had a chance to ride the stagecoach.

The Sheriff showed Javan the guns from the cowboy days.

The cellar goes to the kitchen. This is where Mrs. Mahaffie would cook meals for 50-100 travelers a day.

We were told she would do this all while being pregnant or with a toddler (or both).

I thought i had it tough . haha!

The living room

This was Cosette's half birthday :-) 

Look at all that cuteness! 

A goat pulling Javan

Giving grinding corn a try. It was NOT easy. haha. 
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