Tuesday was Javan's last day of kindergarten
He got a couple of "awards"
This one is the one for completing all of his "homework all year.
That's my boy! He loves reading like his mamma :-)
And next year we will start a new journey as a homeschooled family.
There was a time that i thought I would NEVER EVER homeschool.
I also thought "but he will miss out on so much at school"
I know many people think that same thing.
I don't blame you.
I was one of you.
But, since then I've done A LOT of research, found an amazing community of homeschooled families that get together several times a week, and of course God changed my heart about it.
So, the journey begins.
We are all very excited!
Good luck with homeschooling; I think you will be amazing at it, and it will be a wonderful journey! Do you have a local YMCA? Ours has special days for homeschoolers to come in and hang out together and I guess do "gym" type things. I think that that is a cool thing for them. I think you already give your kids such great experiences; you're a great mom. I often wish I was more like you!
Ooo! We'll have to talk about HS this summer. :)
Thanks Becky. I'll look more into YMCA. There are a LOT of homeschoolers here so there is a lot to do with them. Aaaand.... don't wish too much ;-) I don't post my "mom-of-the-year-what-in-the-world-were-you-thinking" moments :-)
Ashley, Yes, we can talk. i'm super duper excited about it.
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