Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The memory card in our camera decided to go kaplooey. Bummer. Luckily I didn't take (and lose) too many pictures from Easter.

There was a cute picture of Javan showing Cosette how he beats "bowser" on his 3ds. He loves his sister so much. Its adorable how much he loves to spend time with her.

There is a cute one of Cosette laying on her tummy. I took it because I was planning on writing about her new favorite trick... rolling over...

I already wrote that she is rolling from her back to her tummy and the other way. But, lately when I lay her on her back.. she rolls over to her tummy (usually right away) but she somehow forgot how to roll back over. So, she ends up crying because she doesn't want to be on her tummy anymore.

As a nice mommy, i roll her back over to her back... aren't I so nice lending her a hand like that :-)

Except within a few minutes she rolls back over to her tummy...and ends up crying because she doesn't like being on her tummy...

and so I roll her back over.

and so it could go all afternoon if I let it. She rolls over. She cries. I roll her back ... over and over again.

I guess I should just let her cry until she figures it out because it is kind of a time consuming and slightly exhausting "game" for mommy.

but, I'm too nice. So, i usually just end up rolling her back or picking her up.

Alrightly, looks like I'm off to the store this afternoon to buy a new memory card :-/

Oh, by the way, Here is the link to the newest pics of our family and easter pics

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