Sunday, April 29, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Watching daddy work on the garden

Actually, Cosette is keeping a close eye on her big brother!
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Cosette's new favorite thing to do is to suck on her fingers while holding a toy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cosette slept through the night!

We put her to bed at 8:00 and she didn't wake up until 6:30am!! Wowza's, I forgot how awesome it is to have uninterrupted sleep! haha.

That's all, I don't have any new pictures for you this morning. But, i did reformat our memory card so we should be good to go for picture abundant-ness...

Javan's class trip is this morning so I am heading out now... Hopefully, I will have a few pictures of kindergarten fun at Deanna Rose (a farmstead).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The memory card in our camera decided to go kaplooey. Bummer. Luckily I didn't take (and lose) too many pictures from Easter.

There was a cute picture of Javan showing Cosette how he beats "bowser" on his 3ds. He loves his sister so much. Its adorable how much he loves to spend time with her.

There is a cute one of Cosette laying on her tummy. I took it because I was planning on writing about her new favorite trick... rolling over...

I already wrote that she is rolling from her back to her tummy and the other way. But, lately when I lay her on her back.. she rolls over to her tummy (usually right away) but she somehow forgot how to roll back over. So, she ends up crying because she doesn't want to be on her tummy anymore.

As a nice mommy, i roll her back over to her back... aren't I so nice lending her a hand like that :-)

Except within a few minutes she rolls back over to her tummy...and ends up crying because she doesn't like being on her tummy...

and so I roll her back over.

and so it could go all afternoon if I let it. She rolls over. She cries. I roll her back ... over and over again.

I guess I should just let her cry until she figures it out because it is kind of a time consuming and slightly exhausting "game" for mommy.

but, I'm too nice. So, i usually just end up rolling her back or picking her up.

Alrightly, looks like I'm off to the store this afternoon to buy a new memory card :-/

Oh, by the way, Here is the link to the newest pics of our family and easter pics

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy 4 months old!

Our little sweetie is 4 months old now!

She has the prettiest little smile and cutest giggle.
but... as soon as you bring ou tthe camera she WILL NOT SMILE.

She doesn't like to get held too much. If she starts to get cranky, I just lay her on the floor and she is happy.
Lately, she has been picking up her head when you lay her on the floor like she wants to sit up.

Her eyes.  They are such a mystery. They are a concoction of so many different colors - brown, blue, and green. In most pictures they just look black. I'm so curious what they are going to end up looking like when she gets older.

She is getting better and better at  sitting up without her head bobbing around. Her neck is getting so strong, we are able to put her in hte door-frame jumping seat now.  

She is curious of everything around her now. She will ofte stretch her neck back to try and see things from every angle. If she is nursing and there are sounds around her, she will stop eating to check it out.
Typing and nursing has now become counter-productive.

Her teeth have begun to really bother her. She chew's on anything she can get those gums on. She is starting to drool la little too. Between drool and spit-up, we are starting to put bibs on her most of the time.


Her hair is mostly just short all over (except one very bald spot on top of her head). She has one long piece that does a comb-over style. Her hair was pretty dark when she was born but now it is getting much lighter.

Lance had her laughing and laughing. As soon as I noticed, I ran over with the camera... this is what she did. By the way, she still tucks her bottom lip in when she cries.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

She rolled over!!

A little over a week ago, Cosette rolled over by herself from tummy to back.

I had her laying in her crib playing on her tummy and woop over she rolled..
She did it twice and then wouldn't do it again for daddy to see. Go figure.

Then, last week I was at a friends house and I put her in a play yard so that she wouldn't get stepped on by my friends 1 year old daughter. Cosette was crying so my friend went over to check her and she said to me: "did you put her on her stomach?"

What?! haha

She must have been reaching for something and rolled herself over. She was crying because she didn't want to be on her tummy and couldn't remember how to roll herself back.

Now, she is no pro.. but she is getting better at the roll.

Pretty soon she'll be rolling all over the place to get around.
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When Cosette sucks her fingers to sleep, she also likes to have her other hand on top.
I have no idea why she does it but its darn cute :-)
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Taking over daddy's chair

I like my jumperoo!

Daddy's little girl


Daddy love 

Who needs expensive toys when you have sticks.. I think this one has become a slingshot 

While we were in Wamego for the wedding Lance and Javan helped Crystal and Adam dig up the bushes along thier house. What a big helper Javan was :-)

Lucas getting the sillies out with grandpa

Lance helping Javan dig dig dig those roots...

Grandma, Cosette, and I were good spectators

They tied the roots to a chain to the truck and PULLED them out.
Lucas and Javan had fun playing in the truck

Pull pull pull!!

To view ALL of the pics we took that weekend click here
or copy/paste this in your browser:
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Blowing bubbles~

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