Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cosette's 3 month appt

I forgot to mention that I took Cosette in for her 3 month well-check. My teeny tiny baby weighs in at 9lb 10oz . That's not really concerning because she eats well, and has been consistently in the 5th percentile for weight (50% percentile is average).

After the doctor check her out she said "ok, she's healthy." w-w-what?? I don't think I have heard such words come out of a doctors mouth since her birth. I literally did a double take. Even though I have always known she's healthy... it was so nice to hear it from a medical professional :-)

1 comment:

felderfam said...

Yaaay for healthy! Don't get caught up in the percentiles, per Amber. She said they're based on formula-fed babies, which we know tend to be on the chunky side. :)