Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today was a big day in Javan's world.

Lance and I decided to start a system for Javan to earn his own money. There are five things that he has to do each day (go the whole day without picking his nose, obey the first time he's asked, make his bed before breakfast, brush his teach without being asked, and I can't think of the 5th one and i'm too tired to run downstairs to look.. but you get the idea). He gets 5 cents per day for each item he accomplishes totaling a whopping $1.75 per week if he doesn't get any stickers taken off of the chart.

He had already accumulated a hefty sum from birthdays and Christmas so we took all of that money, put it in saving and gave him $7 and some change for him to start off with.

Well, the first day we started it... he spent his first dollar at dunkin donuts for a chocolate glaze donut.

Today was big for him, though. He had this huge balloon that he had been playing with over the past few days.... blowing it up and sucking the air out.... well, today it popped while he was filling it with air.

Oh the tears that his "favorite" toy was broken.

So, i told him that if he wanted to spend his money on a new balloon i had to go to the store anyway, he could bring his money and come with me and buy a new balloon.

Let me tell ya, it was excruciating to stand in the isles as he looked at each item and asked how much each thing was but so good because he realized that $6 doesn't go very far.  It was interesting because the package of balloons were $2 and he chose not to buy them.

That was a proud mamma moment....

...until we got to the checkout line for my purchase and the package of m&m's were too enticing for him to pass up. So, yes, he spent $1 on some m&m's.

He honestly thought it was the coolest thing that he was able to get his VERY OWN RECEIPT!

Its been great for Javan to have the freedom to spend his money on what he wants and really decide if its something he REALLY wants and great for me because I don't have to say no to him all the time when are at the store. I just have to say "You can save up for it" or "if you want to spend your money on that.." Its cut down on the Mcdonald's requests too...

In other news, baby Ferris is beginning to run out of any extra room she had in my tummy. She's pushing herself around in there like she owns the place. ok, i guess she rules the roost for the next few months but I have to say... the past few days have been beginning to get a little uncomfortable.

One week away from the beginning of the 3rd trimester!

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