I am taking a quick minute to give an update on the happenings around here, before I forget...these days i feel like I can't keep my head on straight!
I am soooo excited that starting the new year I will be starting with my new office hours. This will be great for not only me, but the entire family. It just can't come fast enough. We are looking forward to having our early evenings together without the computer interruptions. My new hours will be 7:30-4:00 central time.
We bought a membership to our community center and have been enjoying trips to the pool. Javan is getting better and better at swimming and backfloating with his little "surf board" (as he calls it). We had him practice treading water without help the last time we were at the pool, he still needs some practice but he is eager to learn (his reward is that as soon as he can swim without support for 10 seconds he will be able to go on the BIG slide).
Last weekend we went to Luke and Seth's "Kings Kids" the Christmas program Legacy puts on. Of course, as with the majority of Legacy's events... it was AWESOME! The kids did such a great job!! Javan had a blast playing in the gym with his cousins and the other kids. There were lots of cookies and cupcakes to induce a outrageous sugar high.
This weekend we are getting excited for Javan's Christmas pagent. The preschoolers/kindergarteners are all Angels.. .the boys are angels with swords, while the girls are just pretty ;-) Well, Javan told me that his pagent was going to be SCARY....
Now, why in the world would his Christmas pagent be scary?? I had to find out....
Javan's answer: "Because I'm going to have a sword and I'm going to fight the girl angels"
Oh. Geez. You just can't take the boy out of him!!
Anyway, Christmas decorations are up. Christmas presents are bought (yes, we got him his timer... a digital one too!!).
We have been doing our advent at the dinner table. I think "dinner-time devotionals" may be a continuing tradition after Christmas is over.
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