Really, now, too much fun stuff happens with you and I'm going to forget if i don't start getting better about blogging. Seriously, between work and facebok, I'm on the computer all day I don't know why it takes so much energy to opena new tab and write something on your blog. So, here I come ... new leaf... turning... over... NOW..
I guess I can't ignore the fact that your daddy has now moved out. I would love to just protect you and not talk about it but I think as you look back you would want to know what it was like for you through all this. The good news is... YOUR AWESOME... and it hasn't really been as traumatic for you as it could be. You did go through a spell where you were afraid at night and started sleeping in my bed (but that could also have something to do with that creepy Sesame Street clip with the robot that comes to life in the little boys bedroom while he was sleeping...REALLY SESAME STREET PEOPLE...What were you thinking when you decided to create that clip???) I can't remember who it was but someone told me that at this age you start to become more aware of "reality"and have more fears so this could all have just come into play at the same time.
Anyway, your daddy and I love you very much (and believe it or not we love each other) and in case it is ever a question... it has nothing to do with you. The truth is... it probably should have happened long before you were born. YOU were just the reward that we got for sticking it out as long as we did. Your daddy has a tough job and works a lot of hours. He does his best to see you once a week but sometimes that's not even possible for him. He misses you lots and lots and loves to hear your little voice on the phone.
During this same time, i got really busy with my job (which never happens) and so you've had to get creative with ways to keep you busy while I work. Let's see.... Shaving cream, bubbles in the sink (which on two separate occasions you overfload all over the floor)...paint, lots of baths (like twice a day if necessary), on the deck in the freezing cold, in the garage with your outside toys... in the mud when its sunny outside, Lexi... oh poor lexi... she gets chased, ridden on, covered with blankets, toys on her head... she is so very patient!!! Oh and the cat... i'm not as sympathetic towards her mostly because I'm bitter cause I have to change her litter (I realize its not her fault but I still hate it - there was a time where I tried to teach her to go on the potty..i still believe I could have done it if I had stuck with it). But, that cat sure does endure a lot as well.... she gets pushed down the stairs, thrown into boxed, her tail gets pulled, she gets layed on.... And, unfortunatley, I've had to resort to the tv babysitter :-( wish i didn't but its all about survival and you have enjoyed your blues clues, wiggles, sesame street, barney, baby einstein marathons
So, when daddy moved out you started sleeping in my bed. Not all the time, but about 1/2 of the time. I don't want it to be a habit but I will admit there is something wonderful about snuggling up next to you while we sleep. You love it when I tickle different part of your face and say "i love your nose, I love your eyes, i love your cheecks" and so on... it relaxes you and it makes you giggle.
We haven't been able to go on our walks as often as we used to because I've been busy with work but I forgot to blog last time that you are starting to PEDAL YOUR BIKE all by yourself. You still need some help here and there but your getting there.. aw...
You have become good friends with Avery and Olivia. Well, you have a love hate relationship with Olivia. She's a tough girl and doesn't let anyone push her around so, ya know, a few teeth marks and scratches later you guys are pretty good buds. Avery is awesome because she is older and she teaches you fun ways to use your imagination. You tend to prefer to hang out with the older kids.
I'm a little sad AND mad at myself for not writing down all of your awesomely adorable things that you say but here are a few that I remember:
1. You were watching Blues Clues and they talk to you like they can actually hear you. And they asked "what is your favorite fairy tale" and you answer "Um.. Jesus" I melted of course.
2. You were playing with your 2 headed dragon and sat on it and said "I'm flying up in the sky, up in the clouds, up up to Austin's house"
3. You had a scratch on your knee and I said "what happened to your knee?" and you were trying to get your thoughts out and you said "my pocket" thinking that was kind of wierd I thought I'd make a joke and said "was it the wocket in your pocket that hurt your knee" and your reply "YES, the wocket in my pocket BIT me and i have to go to the doctor to feel better" you talked about that wocket the rest of the day and even shared it with your Aunt Shana and the boys.
4. The dog started sleeping in your bed. At first I didn't believe you because she jumped out before I got in the room but it was the screams "She's taking my blankey momma!!" that made me run up and catch her in your bed with you. You sleep with your door closed now.. lol
5. You are always putting your toys in the strangest places. You like to collect all your toys in a bucket and then stick them places... like in the refridgerator for instance... Oh the things I have found in the lettuce drawer.
6. You love to be naked.. I know I've written that before but it just blows my mind the fight you put up just to have no clothes on. AND UNDERWEAR forget it!!! I tell you your undies are very important because they protect your penis... this was followed by the time you put on footie jammies without undies and got your penis stuck in the zipper... OH YOU CRIED AND CRIED... BUT still you fight me about the undies. What am i going to do with you!!?!? Hopefully, you grow out of it!
Okay, I think i'm all updated now. No more long gaps between blogging... I promise!!!!