Wednesday, May 27, 2015

a couple of field trips

A few weeks ago....Or a month...Or maybe a little longer than that Lance got to take Javan on a field trip with one of our homeschool groups to visit the KS speedway.

Here are some pictures:
This is a model of all the other KS stadiums inside the speedway track

Yes that is our crazy kid rolling down the track

Last Friday we went on a tour of the capital building and toured Brown vs Board of education museum. 

This is at Brown vs Board

The capital building was

Javan and his buddy Eli

Looking down through the floors

The next generation of judges

Cosette really likes Eli

Friday, May 22, 2015

baseball video

The video didn't work on my last post.

Let's hope it works this time.

first baseball game

Last weekend was warm and gorgeous. The kids wore their swimsuits and played with the water guns...

But Tuesday....the night of Javan's first game....was CHILLY!

Javan did pretty good for his first game. He did a great job retrieving the ball from the outfield, throwing the ball to the first baseman and getting the player out!

Here is a video of Javan batting for the first time and violets sweet voice pointing out Javan

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Having cupcakes with our friends

Friday, May 15, 2015

Memory Masters award

This is when he received his metal. The director quizzed him with 2 history sentences on stage.

Memory Masters award

Here is the video of Javan receiving his metal. The director quizzed him with two history sentences.

Memory master

Monday was the memory master award ceremony. Mom requested that I record him saying all of his facts so I might do that one of these days. In the meantime, here are some pictures.

Who needs baby dolls when you have a sister?

Cosette: "do you want to touch my baby? She is so cute."
Violet: "goo goo gaga"