What's been going on around here at the Ferris Academy.....
We had some friends over for a "school day" together. This family is from our CC community so we use the same curriculum. The mom had some things to do so we invited them over to have school with us. That included academics...
and extracurricular...
Javan is doing great in school (as usual).
He is working on our "memory masters" testing that will be coming up in a few weeks.
For Memory Masters, he has to memorize the entire timeline from creation to present day, states and capitals, all of the presidents, the preamble of the constitution, and the bill of rights
as well as
Recognize and find on a U.S. map all of the mountains, rivers, trails, roads, canals, deserts, and prominent features (like Grand Canyon, San Andreas Fault, Mississippi Delta, etc)
Memorize several latin translations and sing all of John 1: 1-7 in Latin and English
24 English Grammar definitions including several irregular verb tenses (for example to go, go, goes, went going, gone...)
24 history facts and dates from Columbus in 1492
(In 1492, Columbus sailed the first of four trips to the Caribbean on 3 Spanish trips called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria)
to September 11, 2001
(On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center in New York City was destroyed by Muslim terrorists, beginning America's War onTerrorism)
Of course most scholars who have studies 9/11 agree that it was an inside job (our wonderful government) and had nothing to do with Muslim terrorists.. but that's for a different lesson
He has all of his skip counting (multiplication facts) memorized through to 15x15 and his squares and cubes (up to 10x10x10), liquid equivelants, linear equivelants, geometry facts, distributive law, associative law, commutative law and identity law.
24 science facts including the human body, definition of atomic number, element, parts of an atom, and have the first 12 elements memorized by number, element and mass. He also has the definition of several scientific theories memorized.
and finally 24 different bible verses.
Its a lot to memorize but he is doing great and I **think** he is going to be able to do it.
I will keep you posted.
In Math, we are just finishing up 4th grade math and should be moving on to 5th grade math in the next month or so.
He is also taking a course on computer coding and mod-ing, playing the piano, chess, and robotics
We recently went to check out the big robotics competition here in kc. It was pretty amazing. Robotics doesn't start until age 12 but they have a homeschool "lego league" here that is an introduction to robotics. They create lego robots that have to complete certain tasks for a competition. He meets with a lego league team every other Friday and is planning on competing next year.
This is him at the robotics competition
the competition was pretty interesting to watch. This year's competition the challenge was for the robots to stack bins on top of each other.
Cosette is working on letter sounds and recognizing the sounds you hear when you say a word. She knows the sound a B makes but she is learning that when she hears the work "bear" that it is a B she is hearing.
Harder than you think. haha.
She is also working on writing her letters.
She has her daddies perfectionist personality (which is a wonderful trait -at times). Here she is working hard on lining all of her books up in a row. We only had a few tears when Violet would "mess them up" (O.o)
Cosette LOVES riding her bike. If its nice out she is riding and riding and riding.
Violet also likes to "ride" her bike but since she hasn't learned how to petal yet,
the novelty wears off pretty quick haha.
Violet is now able to recognize about 70% of her letters and can count to 10
(skipping a number here and there haha)
She is quirky and silly and does everything her sister does haha.
This is a pic of the last snow we had
Lately, though, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous here. mid 70's.
So, I thought I'd put my Cinderella to work (and her little copycat)
No.. really, i'm not that mean. The girl just loves to clean.
And much to my delight she has decided she likes skirts again! Yippee!!!!
Yesterday I took the 3 kids to see "Charlotte's Web" at the Theater for Young America.
It was cute the the girls did a great job sitting and watching. I'm happy because we have missed several great plays the past few season's because they just weren't ready to sit and watch but we are in a new era now, I think. Bring on the Theater!! ;-)