Thursday, November 27, 2014


Sorry about this picture that was On my last post.

My phone decided all on its own that it wanted to share a picture of Lance with his birthday presents from my parents...

To make up for it, here is a better picture.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Starting Christmas a little early

I figured it will take me a will to actually decorate for Christmas so I might as well start early. Today we got the train set up....

Saturday, November 8, 2014

On the potty train

Over the past months violet has definitely showed interest in going potty and even surprised me a few times and went on the potty but never consistently enough to feel she is ready for potty training....

Until yesterday....

She just suddenly decided she was going to go on the potty. She isn't "potty trained" yet but she now goes whenever I take her...she hasn't started telling me when she needs to go but as long as I take her frequently she stays dry!!!

We had 2 accidents yesterday and just 1 accident today.

Woo hoo for no more diapers during the day!
The girls are into play dough and Javan is into baking so I thought I would put the two together and make pretzels

This is violets face when I told her not to eat the dough...I guess it's better than eating play dough but I'll have to tell lance not to eat our pretzels #slobberpretzels

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ms. Determination

Cosette learned to pedal her bike about a month ago but Javan's Razer 360 is too big for her....of course that doesn't stop her!!!
Check out this video....