Friday, October 31, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The past few months have been of WHIRLWIND of fun activities. It has been an amazing couple of months... and I recently realized I have not been good about documenting them !

My sister in law recently put the photo's she took of our trip to TN in our dropbox (an online tool that multiple people can store and view documents)

.....and it made me realize I do not take nearly enough pictures of our kids :-) I'm going to work on that. In the meantime here is the 6 MONTH SUM UP....

In June we celebrated Javan's 8th birthday! We invited some friends to the park and had a water gun party! It was a blast, even though it rained a little...

Of course, Lance's mom went above and beyond with an awesome bullseye cake

Then we had a little "water gun fight" at home later...

Javan's big present from us was his own bow and arrow set. 

I think Cosette would make a good "Merida" from the movie "Brave". 
She acts like a redhead anyway ;-) 

Then in August we had a 1/2 birthday celebration for Cosette and Violet. We went to Deanna Rose first and then invited family to the pool 

One time Lance and his family took us to a beautiful place near where he grew up. 
Pillsbury crossing.

and of course endless pictures of the kids on the tractor at Lance's parent's house. 

I can't get enough of those bouncy pigtails!!

TIMES UP....and I hear little munchkins waking from naps.... 

Stay tuned for part 2 of the 6 month sum up :-)