Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cosette is 3!!!

Grandpa and Gigi came down for Cosette's birthday. We made some strawberry shortcake for breakfast, put some candles in it and sang her happy birthday.

She was pretty excited!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Cosette:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hey River

We had a nice Thanksgiving Day at Shane and Shana's house. Cosette and Violet had a hard time getting used to thier dog, River.

You couldn't tell from this video, though

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Sorry about this picture that was On my last post.

My phone decided all on its own that it wanted to share a picture of Lance with his birthday presents from my parents...

To make up for it, here is a better picture.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Starting Christmas a little early

I figured it will take me a will to actually decorate for Christmas so I might as well start early. Today we got the train set up....

Saturday, November 8, 2014

On the potty train

Over the past months violet has definitely showed interest in going potty and even surprised me a few times and went on the potty but never consistently enough to feel she is ready for potty training....

Until yesterday....

She just suddenly decided she was going to go on the potty. She isn't "potty trained" yet but she now goes whenever I take her...she hasn't started telling me when she needs to go but as long as I take her frequently she stays dry!!!

We had 2 accidents yesterday and just 1 accident today.

Woo hoo for no more diapers during the day!
The girls are into play dough and Javan is into baking so I thought I would put the two together and make pretzels

This is violets face when I told her not to eat the dough...I guess it's better than eating play dough but I'll have to tell lance not to eat our pretzels #slobberpretzels

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ms. Determination

Cosette learned to pedal her bike about a month ago but Javan's Razer 360 is too big for her....of course that doesn't stop her!!!
Check out this video....

Friday, October 31, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The past few months have been of WHIRLWIND of fun activities. It has been an amazing couple of months... and I recently realized I have not been good about documenting them !

My sister in law recently put the photo's she took of our trip to TN in our dropbox (an online tool that multiple people can store and view documents)

.....and it made me realize I do not take nearly enough pictures of our kids :-) I'm going to work on that. In the meantime here is the 6 MONTH SUM UP....

In June we celebrated Javan's 8th birthday! We invited some friends to the park and had a water gun party! It was a blast, even though it rained a little...

Of course, Lance's mom went above and beyond with an awesome bullseye cake

Then we had a little "water gun fight" at home later...

Javan's big present from us was his own bow and arrow set. 

I think Cosette would make a good "Merida" from the movie "Brave". 
She acts like a redhead anyway ;-) 

Then in August we had a 1/2 birthday celebration for Cosette and Violet. We went to Deanna Rose first and then invited family to the pool 

One time Lance and his family took us to a beautiful place near where he grew up. 
Pillsbury crossing.

and of course endless pictures of the kids on the tractor at Lance's parent's house. 

I can't get enough of those bouncy pigtails!!

TIMES UP....and I hear little munchkins waking from naps.... 

Stay tuned for part 2 of the 6 month sum up :-)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

We caved and got the kids a sandbox. W put it on our deck to keep the neighborhood cats out.

With that we get sands tracked inside the house.

Ah well, a small price to pay for hours of entertainment for all the kids..

Meh, i am already sweeping crumbs off the floor every day what's a few extra grains of sand.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Rookie of the year

Last night we went to the end of season banquet for Javan's dive team.
He got the "rookie of the year"award. Since it was his first year competing and he competed in one level up and placed very well in his competitions.
He is also invited to dive at the all city meet this Saturday (which is by invite only). He is working on a back flip this week and hoping he can perfect it enough to do it for the all city meet. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Who needs a pool when you have a couple of cups and a bucket

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Javan's first dive meet

This year Javan joined dive team. Today was his first meet and he did really well!! He did a back dive and front flip.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

One nice thing about kids close in age

...I have a built in potty trainer! Any time Coco goes potty violet wants to go too! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Where are vi and Cosette?  what a great hiding place...behind a screen.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kansas sampler festival

It just so happens that this same weekend as his family reunion was the Kansas sampler festival and this year it was in wamego and we had gorgeous weather. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Our future tennis stars