Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Speaking of apples...

Look at that huge apple she is taking a bite of. Oh wait...that's not an apple haha that's a tomato. Makes no difference to her...its all yummy.

For the record she is normally not allowed to sit on the table. She was being sneaky....

Dentist appt today

Javan and Cosette got to see the dentist today.

They both had beautiful teeth and no cavities.

Lets celebrate by giving them both frozen high fructose corn syrup  O.o

...i guess it would be weird to give out apples although a little more appropriate.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

KCPT television spot

We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to do a little commercial with Kansas City Public Television. Javan did great and it was so much fun. Maybe they will ask us again :-) There are a couple more spots that they haven't put together yet (i think) but these were the ones Javan was in the most.

Outdoor Safety #1

Water Safety

Indoor Safety Spot #1

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8 1/2 months and she is moving back and forth from the coffee table and couch. Getting so big!!