Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Potty trained! took a little longer considering we started at 4 months but she finally got it.

2 days of dry pants...YAY!! Just in time for her 2nd birthday.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Oh my she is getting big.

I just realized i need to stop calling her 9 months because she is  10 months!!  She finally has the crawling in her knees down now. Not that it matters because she would much rather be on her feet. She is working on her balance and can stand without help for a short time and she LOVES it when we walk with her.

Violet now has a top tooth and 2 on the bottom. It is a good thing too because she is a BIG eater !

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Speaking of apples...

Look at that huge apple she is taking a bite of. Oh wait...that's not an apple haha that's a tomato. Makes no difference to her...its all yummy.

For the record she is normally not allowed to sit on the table. She was being sneaky....

Dentist appt today

Javan and Cosette got to see the dentist today.

They both had beautiful teeth and no cavities.

Lets celebrate by giving them both frozen high fructose corn syrup  O.o

...i guess it would be weird to give out apples although a little more appropriate.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

KCPT television spot

We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to do a little commercial with Kansas City Public Television. Javan did great and it was so much fun. Maybe they will ask us again :-) There are a couple more spots that they haven't put together yet (i think) but these were the ones Javan was in the most.

Outdoor Safety #1

Water Safety

Indoor Safety Spot #1

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8 1/2 months and she is moving back and forth from the coffee table and couch. Getting so big!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Zoo Field Trip!

Our Zoo has a monthly homeschool class. So, while the big kids have 2 hours of fun learning about elephants. The mom's and little ones get to walk around the zoo.

After his class, we had lunch and spent a couple more hours walking around the zoo.

We had the PERFECT weather.

Here is the link to all of the pictures. I just picked out a few of my fav's

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Monday, September 23, 2013

7 month pictures

I haven't gotten around to taking 8 month pictures yet... I know times a tickin'

But here are some we took of Vioet at 7 months

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

I missed one!

They had a haybale maize that Javan went through and climbed all over most of the morning. Then he hung out in this huge corn pit. That was where he spent most of his time while I took Cosette to see the animals.
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Early fall fun

Lance went Frisbee Golf with some of the other homeschooling dads and we were going to head to the park with some friends.

Then we found out about a teeny little fall festival at a local nursery so we decided to check it out.

I wish I had dressed the kids for some great fall pictures. It was set up with some awesome photo opportunities. Ah well... next time. Instead Javan is dressed as a crow here ^ ^

I got one cute one of the 3 kiddos.

So, its been a while since I've updated about their milestones these days so here you go.

Javan: 7 years old
He is growing to be much more mature. He is so helpful around the house and with the girls. He loves to hold and carry Violet and is pretty good with playing with Cosette. Lately, we have been reading "The Black Stallion" (we have read book 1 and 2 now) and really enjoys them. He just started Karate and I have to say that its the first time I've seen him really REALLY enjoy a sport.

Cosette: 21 months old
Now that she has tackled walking (phew.. that took awhile) she has been focusing  more on her speach. Like overnight, she went from saying just a few words here and there to little sentences. Its crazy to hear her say thing like "where'd he go" or "hold her" etc.. She now repeats any words you say and comes up with new little phrases every day. She is still a little bit of a fireball... but she is also a VERY loving little girl. She loves her little sister SOOOO much... too bad Violet is a little afraid of her because Cosette can be a little agressive while showing her love

Violet 8 months old
Between 6-7 months she started sitting up and doing the army crawl. My 7 months she was sitting up well and army crawling all over the place. Now at 8 months she is STILL doing the army crawl but she is CLIMBING on everything. She now can pull herself up on smaller object (a box, stool, the bottom step) and speaking of steps... she can't crawl yet but she can climb herself up the stairs!!! She walks around furniture a little bit but she is still pretty wobbly. AND SHE CUT HER FIRST TOOTH TODAY  (Not that being toothless has stopped her from eating just about anything!!!)

Ok, back to our pictures from Saturday...

They had a little "petting zoo". Just some farm animals to me but to Cosette it was AMAZING! We have been reading a lot of books about animals lately and have been working on animal sounds. It was so cool for her to see these animals in person!

I don't know this little boy but it was cute how they were looking together

Its hard to tell but it was a baby chick

All the kids (even the babies) got to pot thier own pansies and take them home with a free little pumpkin

This cow was a newborn. Her birthday was on Sunday. She still had her umbilical cord.
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