Sunday, September 30, 2012

A big week

Well, last week but kind of a bust for me but ended up finishing off much better.

Tuesday we were all ready to head to a field trip when I could not find my keys anywhere. I walked to the park the day before and I'm still (even now) now sure if I dropped them along the way or just misplaced them... but after loading the kids in the car and ready to drive off to the beanstalk garden, I sadly, had to unpack the kids and break the news that we weren't going anywhere (the spare set was in Lance's car at work).

Then, on Wednesday we had a field trip planned to go to the local farmstead and it got rained out. So, I took them to the library and managed to lose my wallet! oi. Lance did find that for me.

I could go on.. it was just one bad thing after another... but the week did get a little better. I had a midwife appt and got to hear the baby's heartbeat and everything is looking good and we had a friend over and got to have some mommy adult time while Javan played with his new friend. And Friday, of course, is park day... always something we all look forward to so we can get together with our homeschooling friends.

Cosette, on the other hand, had a spectacular week. She learned how to wave. Finally mastered the on the knee crawling (well, one knee and one foot... I must get that on video) - maybe now her shirts won't get AS filthy since with the army crawl she was simultaneously sweeping the floor with her clothes. She pulled herself up for the first time. She is still mastering this still - sometimes she can get herself to standing and others she just ends up on her  knees. AND she cut her first tooth :-)

What a big girl!! Ok, not big... she is only 13.8 pounds. haha but she's doing all the things a normal almost 10 month old should be doing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ultrasound pics

I just noticed that when I made the collage it cut off some of the pictures. So, this is for the grandma's...
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I guess I'm losing my touch because I had a dream it was a boy.... and then I was worried it was twins because i'm carrying really high, like unusually high.. but all is well and the baby is measuring exactly what we had figured for the due date. (we said I was 18 weeks and 3 days and u/s said 18 weeks and 4 days) which makes her due date right around mid-February. 

The most important part is that she is perfectly healthy. I can't ask for more than that!

I think that also means that going to the chiropractor has really helped because I didn't experience any prolapse this time around. 

Here she is!!

Its pretty cool they sent home a video of the ultrasound so you can watch it if you like that sort of thing :-)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Last week we had an afternoon free and Lance and I decided to break out the bikes. It was finally cool enough to make it around the block without sweating to death...

But... my back has been hurting a little these days and I've been quite tired so Daddy decided to do the duty of carrying Cosette.

He looked so cute with a baby riding his bike! haha.
Cosette had a blast... daddy goes a LOT faster than mommy does!