Friday, February 24, 2012

Coconut oil

i found this on a blog today and I just felt the need to share. I've been using coconut oil on everything since it healed Cosette's diaper rash and we have found it to be awesome for our skin. Also, coconut oil is one of the only oil's out there that remains stable in high temperatures - which makes it the perfect oils to cook with (you can also buy the "expeller pressed" type that does not taste like coconut) Be careful when purchasing though because there is a such thing as hydrogenated coconut oil which is no good. You want to get a virgin coconut oil. I buy mine at the chiro's but I know you can get it at the grocery store with the other oils or in the health food section. This is where this lady gets her's

Anyway, here's the link to her blog

Also, she refers to "oil pulling" I've never heard of it before... but after reading this article:  I am anxious to try it.

Humor me and take some time to check it out :-)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Baby talk

Ok, Last video.. Cosette was being so cute smiling and "talking" I had to get it on camera. :-)

if the video doesn't come up you can click here or copy and paste this in your browser:

Coco says "hello"

We wouldn't be good parents if we didn't have the irrational belief that our child is a prodigy. :-) But, really, doesn't it sound like she is saying "hello"? 

She had a mean diaper rash so we had her go without a diaper as much as we could... that's why her clothes are half off. :-)

Javan's Pagent

Last time I uploaded video's I waited until I had several to upload and it took me all day and I said to myself "Self, next time upload video's as you make them because it takes forever to upload."

Too bad I didn't remember that and now I have a few to upload and it is taking forever.

This is Javan singing at his pagent. **cutie**

If it doesn't work, just copy and paste this in your browser or click here

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Help me decide

I have this picture of Javan and me framed on the wall in Javan's room

I want to put something similar of Cosette and Lance.
I have 2 to choose from and can't decide which one...
What do you think?

This one:

or This one:

And click the link here of some more pics of Cosette.
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Pretty Girl

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Brotherly Love

Javan loves to smother snuggle his little sister

This is one of my favorites. I love her face.

Cosette has been smiling for quite a while now, but she would sneak those pretty smiles in so quick I could never get a picture...

I finally got a picture of that beautiful smile. **melt**
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For some reason I've had a hard time wanting to write this update, even though its good news. I guess part of me doesn't even want to think that a doctor can look at my child and assume my baby has "problems" by the way she looks. She IS beautiful, by the way... Here are some pics of her:

Cosette pics

Cosette 1 month

I took some cute pics of Cosette at 2 months but gotta get them off of my camera and all that jazz so stay tuned...

Anyway, here's the story. We went to the Neurologist to have him look at the MRI that was done on Cosette when she was only a few days old.

When we went in for the appt, we found out that the pediatrician sent all of the documents EXCEPT for the MRI.


After inspecting Cosette he told us "Well, we know that they ruled out Downs syndrome and without looking at the MRI I would say she obviously has some kind of chromosomal disorder so I think we should send her to genetics and get some blood work done to find out what it is."

Its funny how differently Lance and I handled that news.

Lance said "Doctors do not have authority of Cosette, God does. And I trust God. I'm not going to worry about it!"

I, on the other hand, took our baby. Locked myself in our bedroom. Sat on in the rocking chair and cried my eyes out and prayed over her all evening.

Well, it took almost 2 weeks to get a copy of the MRI to the Neurologist and to have him look at it. He gave me a call and said "the fluid on her brain is just a cyst. It should go away on its own and I don't expect it to cause any problems with her. It would be good to keep an eye on it that it doesn't grow... otherwise, I would say she is perfectly healthy!!"


I am SO looking forward to the big things God has in story for her!

I have to admit, although I was extremely thankful for that good news... I REALLY REALLY wanted to punch that doctor for making me worry. Ah well... its all over now. :-)

Some other links of pics over the past couple of months:

Christmas pics


Trip to PA, wrestling, loft...etc