Friday, November 25, 2011

Saw this today and it made me laugh out loud :-)

we bought a new car!!

Its official. We are a minivan family :-)

It will definitely make our trip to PA a lot more comfortable!

Here's the link to the ad for it. I was going to take my own pictures and then realized.... they did all the work already, might as well utilize it while its still on the site. haha.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Wow, yesterday it was 72 degrees ... today I don't think it hit 50. brrr.....

Didn't stop the kiddo's from playing outside together :-)

This is Zaine and Javan

This is Zaine, Tanner, and Javan.

Tanner is a little older and his parents are divorced and spends a good amount of time with his dad. We don't see him very much, but its nice for them when he comes out to play :-)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Well, things around here have been BUSY (really great) but  so busy I haven't had a chance to write any updates. So here's life in the Ferris house in a nutshell...

Little baby Ferris has yet to make her debut (obviously) and she's still breech. I have done every trick in the book that you could think of to turn her but she doesn't want to budge. Our doctor offered to do an "external version" where they manually turn her and has a very high success rate.  Sounded great and we were totally gung ho for it  at first until we heard..

They hook you up to monitors, inject a medicine that stops your contractions, and it can be so excruciatingly painful that you may be sore for days later. Oh yeah, and there is that risk that the baby could go into distress from it and you would be immediately sent into an emergency c-section.

Lance and I decided to just pray about it and so we prayed that if it His will then he would give us BOTH peace about the version.  

I don't think that an external version is necessary a bad choice but we both did not have peace about it, so, unless she decides to turn at the last minute... we'll be having a breech birth. That aside, she's doing great!

Its that time of the year at Olson Research Group where all of our clients have to use up their budgeted money before the end of the year or they lose it... on top of co-workers using up their vacation time before they lose it on Jan 1 (therefore a lot of "covering" going on") its been BUSY for me. Last week was just crazy with me working all day and into the evening. I'm really looking forward to maternity leave!!

Lance is experiencing the same kind of busy-ness at his job. In fact - last night and tonight he has been working overtime from 2:30am - 9am!!

Javan is doing awesome, of course. He's excelling at school (as I knew he would). We just got his midterm report and got "excellent" on everything. His reading skills are amazing and we are now working on chapter books. He is also doing really well adding and subtracting in his head (or with his fingers, if necessary).

He talks about being excited to have the baby but his reasoning is that "she always gets the middle when we snuggle." oh boy! haha. I'm a little nervous about the jealousy issue, but we will overcome it like everything else.

The most exciting thing for Javan right now is that there is a new neighbor in our neighborhood. His name is Zaine and he is in first grade. These two were best friends from the minute they met. Every day this week Zaine comes over after school and rings our doorbell and off they go to play in their "fort", (a log in a few bushes) riding bikes, cowboys and indians etc... I've met his mother and she is very sweet - I haven't met his dad yet since he works a lot. We are excited because Zaine is going to come to church with us tomorrow and it will be a great opportunity for Javan to share Jesus with his new friend. The mom wasn't quite ready to go to church. She said "When my husband isn't working so much we will go together." that's ok with me. I have begun praying for opportunities to share Jesus with our new friends and neighbors.

I will post a pic tomorrow of Javan with his new buddy. If you think of it, please pray for their friendship. I know he is young but we all know that "you are who you hang out with" and since we don't know where they are spiritually - it does cause some anxiety for me. I know I can't shelter my baby forever so I've been praying  over him every night this week specifically that The Lord would give Javan discernment between right and wrong and be a good influence to Zaine and also Lance and me insight to know if there is something that needs to be addressed. :-)

This afternoon we decided to buy last minute tickets to a production of Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Our midwife's children were in it. It was great and so fun to see Javan get into it :-) He kept on reminding himself "those are real people all dressed up" or "those swords aren't real" or whatever...its always less scary when you can see that it is just people in costumes as opposed to how realistic Hollywood movies appear. One of the witches helpers had a mask on that looked like he had only one eye and this totally baffled Javan. He kept on asking where are that guy's eye's????? How did they make it look like that?? It was cute and fun and of course as soon as we left he said "is it too late to go play with Zaine?" haha.

So, he did.

And when it got dark he watched some of a movie at their house and had dinner with them... and the best part was that afterwards he just had to run home (no picking him up or driving anywhere involved... sweet!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I can't believe its almost time to meet our newest little family member. We are sooo excited!

I am halfway through my 37th week....we had a doctors appt today and everything looks happy and healthy, so I can't complain about a little backache and braxton hicks :-)

I wish I could figure out how to rotate my pictures on this crazy blog!! When I look at the actual picture in the file folder its not sideways...grr...well, anyway, this is me at 36 weeks. If you would like to see the picture without having to turn your head, you can just look at facebook. haha.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Lance!!

Yesterday was Lance's birthday. I got him a watch for his birthday but it wasn't really a surprise so Javan and I made up a scavenger hunt for him to find it. haha. Here's what the watch looks like:

I also made him snickerdoodles. His favorite kind of cookie. Its kind of a huge deal not only because its his favorite cookie but because its basically just made of sugar and flour...2 things I don't eat... therefore 2 things he doesn't get very often. :-)

THEN we went out for icecream.

All in all I think he had a pretty good day and Javan was pretty delighted to have some cookies and icecream too...I made myself a lentil pie and it was pretty delish too (even though it sounds kind of gross from the name haha)...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Let the swelling begin

You may all still have nightmares of my  elephant angles when I was pregnant with Javan.

 Ah yes, I remember all too well the way my leg turned into my foot without a single curve....

I wrote it in my pregnancy calendar with Javan. It was toward the beginning of my 33rd week.

You may not believe me, but I seriously did track this excessive swelling from last time and was ECSTATIC when the 33rd week came and went without any swelling - phew... a sigh of relieve that I won't be plagued with the horrendous cankles.

Well, I went to my appt today. I am 2 days shy of 35 weeks. My doctor says to me "looks like you have a little swelling..."

You better believe I checked out those ankles as soon as I got home in hopes that maybe it was an oversight on the md's part...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! They're HERE!! The Dinosaur ankles have made their debut.

And so it begins.

They WILL get bigger.

 Of this, I am sure.

They will be shocking, I promise.

I'll wait until they look like something from Ripley's believe it or not before I share a pic with you. (I know you're dying to see them).

Wonder if this says something about when she is coming... let's see... Javan was born at 36 weeks and 7 days  and the swelling started at 33 weeks and 3 days....I am 35 weeks and 5 days so that makes her "due date" 38 weeks and 4 days (you better double check my math... its not my strong point).

If I'm going to have to deal with this swelling then I'd like to opt for sooner.... (like I actually have a choice)