Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sharing Jesus in school

Every Wednesday Javan gets to bring a show and tell to school.

Today Javan decided to bring a key that has the word "Jesus" written on it. He got the key from Awana last year and it is very special to him. Its Jesus's key to his heart and he keeps it by his bed at night.

I just got an email from Javan's teacher and it warmed my heart:

I loved Javan’s show and tell today!  Lol…what a great way to share Jesus with the kids.  It really made my day.


I wish I could have been there to have heard exactly how Javan explained it. I asked him about show and tell and he told me the kids had LOTS of questions but, of course, he couldn't remember anything specific. Its funny how selective his memory is **sigh**.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Well here is a picture of our little munchkin. Its hard to see at first...its a closeup of just her face...see it?? She's looking at us. :-)

Anyway, the great news is she weighs a healthy 3lbs exactly what she should weigh at this point. Not big OR small.

The bad news is that she is breech and since she's so low (below my pubic bone) they couldn't confirm the sex. Let's hope they were right cause I bought a whole bunchof baby girl clothes yesterday :-0

The scary news is there is a little spot of fluid on her brain. Could be a cyst could be nothing could be something bad. Oi. These doctors are so good at scaring you.

So in 2 weeks they want to do ANOTHER ultrasound. Hopefully she's turn herself around and hopefully her little "spot" will not have grown or even will be completely gone and leave the doctor scratching his head.

Javan went to the dentist today. He did great! No cavities and a couple of wiggly teeth :-)

He got to pick some toys from their toy chest and one was a magic boomerang. We just had to try it out at the park.

Apparently we are doing a good job of instilling healthy eating at home because yesterday he asked if he could invite his friend over who is sick. I said no, your friend has to get better first before she can come over and he says "but MOM if she comes over we can feed her salad and she will get better!" Haha love it.

In about an hour I'm going in for another ultrasound and to see the doctor. I'm sure ill have another update after that.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Flooring

Nesting has officially kicked in. I've got a list a mile long of things I want to get done before this baby comes and one of them is checked off the list.

The flooring in Javan's room was a horrible old 70's brown carpet. Oh it felt so wonderful to pull that carpet out. Of course, it would have been a dream to have had hardwood floors under there, instead it looked like this:

Next, we cut up brown paper into 3 inch strips (i know you are jealous of my socks in this picture!)

There were two different techniques for laying down the paper. The first was to dip it in a solution of 50/50 water and elmers glue. The other was to put down poly and lay the paper down on top of the poly. We thought that the poly options seemed a little more "sturdy" but since we were staining the paper....I think the glue solution would have been the better option. We noticed a lot of wrinkles and bubbles in the paper after we laid it down. The other person who used poly said that the bubbles came out once the poly dried... but it didn't quite work out that way for us. Anyway.. here's a picture of what it looked like after we laid down the paper.

We put a few pieces of white paper in there to add some texture to it and a few of the pieces we printed words on there.

And now for the stain....

We added 4 coats of Poly on top to protect it and voila... "Hardwood" floors.

The shiny poly made the bubbles stand out a little, but all in all it looks awesome. I love the words in the floor, it looks really cool!  Now that we've learned a few lessons along the way....I'm ready to do some other rooms in the house... but FIRST I've got a few other projects I want to get done before I have the baby. :-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For labor day weekend we went to Lance's family's get-together. It was a fun weekend and Jav was exhausted on the way home. He thought Lexi would make a fine pillow on the car ride. Lexi was less than pleased. Haha

Friday, September 2, 2011

Might as well put him to work. Tee hee.

No, really, he asked to carry the ladder.

Our future electrician

Lance volunteered at the church tonight to fix some lights.

Javan thought it was SO cool to help him!