Some of you may remember the time about 18 month ago (give or take) when Javan decided to put some of his rocks in my sink... which ultimately ended up in a destroyed garbage disposal. It was just Javan and me at the time and I was sooo proud that I purchased a new one and installed it all by myself :-)
Well, last week the garbage disposal decided to go kaplooey on me, no rocks involved - I promise!
Since it was still under the 2 year warranty, I decided to give it a shot and called the company. They tracked the serial number to prove that it was still under warranty and TADA a new garbage disposal was delivered yesterday..
The best part.... I didn't have to install it this time! haha. Gotta love that hubby.
The same day that I called the disposal company, I couldn't get my ice cream maker to work. I knew that it was just operator error, considering I had only used it once before and it worked perfectly fine, since I had calling the company on my mind (from the garbage disposal incident) I decided to call the company that made the ice cream maker to see if they could figure out what I was doing wrong.
Apparently, it takes too much time to walk through it with me step by step cause they just sent me a new one!! We gave that one to our friend. Shew, we had a garbage disposal and an ice cream maker delivered to us in the same week and didn't spend a penny.
So, the next time your appliance doesn't work (and its fairly new) it might be worth trying to call the company.
Oh and I also learned that substituting honey or maple syrup for sugar in making ice cream is not really a good idea if you want it to look like ice cream (but it does taste just as yummy).
and.... sorry for the random post that says one word "stop". Every once in a while I get marketing text messages and if you text them back with the word "stop" they usually stop sending... I accidentally send it to the blog instead - who know's how i pulled that off. haha.