I figured the best way to get all caught up on the happenings of "Javan" is to have a post of collections of facebook posts about you.
So here you are....
Javan just told me "I'm not a baby because I'm a STRONG MAN!" hahaha forget the toddler years... he's onto manhood.
September 30 at 9:05am
is shocked at how much spanish Javan understands now that Maria and Andrea live here!! Now, I guess that means I need to learn it too......
September 18 at 11:34am
From the other room I hear Javan yell... "Mommy, I gave the dog a mohawk so he look GOOOOOD." HAHA. I told him that only boys have mohawks and Lexi is a girl so lets not give her a mohawk anymore. He looks at our dog with gel all over her fur and says "Is she frustrated with me? Nah!" LOL
September 1 at 11:16am
loves that my son is just like me!!! He was getting bored sitting at the dinner table so he asked "Mommy, can I dance in my seat?"
was just told by my son to "chill"!!!
August 6 at 10:20pm
my child, freshly bathed, and sound asleep... or so I thought! I went in to check on him and he is sitting on the bed, with a pen, COVERED FROM HEAD TO TOE IN INK!!
July 23 at 10:23pm
playing hide and seek with a 3 year old is HILARIOUS.
July 14 at 1:15pm
was just told by my 3 year old "..and you will put soap in Matthew's (our neighbor) mouth for saying innappropriate things"
July 7 at 1:09pm
is listening to the pitter patter of little feet running around upstairs..... he should be in bed...dreading what kind of trouble he is getting into....
July 2 at 10:02pm
is spoiling Javan today for his THIRD birthday! He told Brock yesterday "you can't spank me, its my birthday" ... yup, he knows how to milk it :-D
June 28 at 8:18am
desperately wants to hunt down and kill that mean old wasp that stung my baby!!!
June 24
just signed Javan up for swim lessons and got our pool membership... this 100 degree weather was very motivating!
June 23 at 1:02am
Is listening to Javan play by himself in the back yard-what a wonderful sound! I am willing to put money on the fact that he is completely naked and filthy from head to toe.. since that is how my boy rolls....(btw he started out the day bathed and dresse
May 29 at 12:27pm
is listening to Javan singing his rendition of 'Are you sleeping Brother John' It goes "Are you kidding, Are you kidding, Brother John..."
May 25 at 10:15pm
just found my phone in a toy pot in the microwave. Thankfully, Javan didn't think to turn ON the microwave... SHEW!
May 19 at 10:16am