Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween fun

Today for halloween we had a busy day.  You were the cutest little Yoda around :-) First we went to our church for their fall fest and you played and played and we had pizza.  There was a guy in a robot costume that you were just obsessed with.. not sure why, but....whatever.  Then, we went to Shane and Shana's church for their fall fest and you got to ride on a train and go through a maize (they had those blow up moon walk things but I didn't show you because I knew I would never get you out of there... sorry, babe, next year!).  We were in a hurry because we had to go up to daddy's work so he could show you off.  On the way to daddy's work you told me "I went potty in my pants".  I couldn't believe it !!  You haven't had an accident in so long!!!!  Fast forward to when we picked up Aunt Shana, Seth, and Luke.  Remembering the earlier incident you said to Luke "I went potty in my pants.  That's bad, luke, that's bad.  Sorry mommy" so i leaned back and said "that's ok, Javan, where should we go potty" Javan's response: "on the road"  I couldn't stop laughing!!!  YES,  I pulled over and let you go potty on the side of the road.   You ratted me out for the first time.  Now, that you talk so well I have to be careful what I do with you... haha!!  

Pictures to come.... PROMISE!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall fun

This fall we have had a lot of fun.  Most of our fall has been spent picking up walnuts from our walnut tree and walking around the block with our doggy.  

We went to Deanna Rose (a farmstead where the kids can pet most of the animals) with daddy and you had so much fun!!  We hoped to get a pumpkin that day but it had rained earlier and they had to close the pumkin patch because of all the mud.  You were so disappointed that you didn't get pumkin that day we ended up stopping at the grocery store to buy you one :-)  We're suckers, I know.

Lately you have really been learning how to talk in sentences with all of your pronouns.  Its pretty amazing how much you sound like a little boy now and that baby talk is slowly going away.  

We have been spending a lot of time with your cousins and I think that is where you are learning to be such a big boy.  We have also recently made some new friends for you to play with and you think that is so cool (since, ya know, mommy isn't nearly as much fun!!) .  

I can finally check potty training off my list of stressers.  I can't remember your last accident (well, that is, if you don't count the NUMEROUS times that you don't make it in the potty even when you are SITTING ON IT!!! - ah, boys!)  

As usual, self esteem is not an issue either.  You often will say "I am so cool"  or "I am VERY handsome" and other little comments like that.  I hope your self confidence will stay that way! :-).

I will be posting more soon since there is a lot of catching up to do!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The little things you do

Time blew by and there has been so many adorable things that you have done.  You are at the age where everyday you say something absolutely adorable. 

1. You sang "Happy Birthday" to Aislinn's "hedgy" (her favorite stuffed toy)
2.  I put on a lighting Mcqueen shirt on you that lights up and you said "I cool!"
3. While putting on the jelly jar top you said "I tricky"
4. You love to pretend to be leaving so you'll go into the closet or out the door of the room and say "bye!  See you later"
5. You'll pick up a random item and go "Where'd that come from?"
6. Instead of saying that's mine you say "That's mined" which i just think it so adorable!
7.  Yesterday you were misbehaving and i said "Javan Scott Conder!!" then a little while later you were playing by yourself looking at books and I heard you saying "Javan Scott Conder, Javan Scott Conder" over and over again.  I think this was the first time you realized what your full name is.
8.  When I ask you a question you take started going "um,um" while you are thinking about the answer.  It cracks me up the things that you pick up from me that i don't even realize I do!!
9.  You now can recognize the letter "J" except you don't call it a "J" you call it a "Javan" (since i always tell you "J for Javan" or you will see a J and say "J for Jaguar" 

I'm sure I will think of more things to add but I'll just do another post when that happens.